The words we use on a regular basis can influence things.
Lately I have found myself using a phrase, “I don’t care.” far too often
A while back had a series of clumsy accidents. I tore ligaments in my knee, then re-injured it even worse than before. It changed the way was doing things in a major way. Because it was more than one injury, it took longer to recover than normal. I had to let go of a few things I was normally doing around the house.
The other problem is that after dealing with a couple months of a painful knee and back pain stemming from walking funny, I also began to get depressed. That’s where I started noticing those words showing up way too much. Whenever I would see something that needed to be done but I either couldn’t do it or didn’t feel like doing it, I’d say, “I don’t care.” There’s dust bunnies, “I don’t care.” Look at those spider webs, “I don’t care.”
That injury and the knee surgery was over a year ago but occasionally I still catch myself using the words “I don’t care” when I didn’t get something done. Yikes! Using the words “I don’t care” is not anyone’s best interest. There has to be some other words to use because those words are not true. I care very much.
We use affirmations to program our subconscious to be a certain way. EFT is a tapping of affirmations and statements to shift things emotionally and physically. Our words are VERY important. When we say things like “I don’t care” over and over we are actually programming our subconscious. Do we really want to program our subconscious not to care? What if that not caring overflowed to relationships with friends and family.
I have been thinking of a replacement phrase to say instead of “I don’t care.” I think I will say, “I’m not worried about it.” “I know it will get done when I’m ready.” “Ha Ha! There is another one.” Maybe I should have said, “I will meditate on that a bit.”
When you catch yourself saying something or using words that are not in your best interest, stop, and say or think “Cancel” “Clear” or “Delete,” then reframe the words with something better.
Saying something once in a while isn’t going to hurt anything but when we keep saying something, that’s where we need to be careful. There is POWER in the words we use, especially ones we use often.
I can’t …
I am sick and tired of …
I’m tired …
I hate …
I hate to see …
I can never …
I can’t stand …
I’m broke.
You can’t create abundance or prosperity if you believe in lacks. You will need to reprogram yourself to believe that you can have abundance. Believing in lacks means you believe you will never have enough money for what you need.
Do you find yourself saying things like:
“I can’t afford that.”
“I just can’t seem to make ends meet.”
“I never have enough money.”
You need to stop programming yourself for a lack of abundance. Years ago when I first learned about abundance and conscious language, I realized I had to stop saying, “I can’t afford it.” Somehow when you say things enough, your subconscious makes sure it happens. I changed that to, “I don’t choose to spend money on that right now.”
There is a book I highly recommend called “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” by Joseph Murphy.
Energy follows thought. You get what you think about.