conscious-languageThe words we use on a regular basis can influence things.

Lately I have found myself using a phrase, “I don’t care.” far too often

A while back had a series of clumsy accidents. I tore ligaments in my knee, then re-injured it even worse than before. It changed the way was doing things in a major way. Because it was more than one injury, it took longer to recover than normal. I had to let go of a few things I was normally doing around the house.

The other problem is that after dealing with a couple months of a painful knee and back pain stemming from walking funny, I also began to get depressed. That’s where I started noticing those words showing up way too much. Whenever I would see something that needed to be done but I either couldn’t do it or didn’t feel like doing it, I’d say, “I don’t care.” There’s dust bunnies, “I don’t care.” Look at those spider webs, “I don’t care.”

That injury and the knee surgery was over a year ago but occasionally I still catch myself using the words “I don’t care” when I didn’t get something done. Yikes! Using the words “I don’t care” is not anyone’s best interest. There has to be some other words to use because those words are not true. I care very much.

We use affirmations to program our subconscious to be a certain way. EFT is a tapping of affirmations and statements to shift things emotionally and physically. Our words are VERY important. When we say things like “I don’t care” over and over we are actually programming our subconscious. Do we really want to program our subconscious not to care? What if that not caring overflowed to relationships with friends and family.

I have been thinking of a replacement phrase to say instead of “I don’t care.” I think I will say, “I’m not worried about it.” “I know it will get done when I’m ready.” “Ha Ha! There is another one.” Maybe I should have said, “I will meditate on that a bit.” 😉

When you catch yourself saying something or using words that are not in your best interest, stop, and say or think “Cancel” “Clear” or “Delete,” then reframe the words with something better.

Saying something once in a while isn’t going to hurt anything but when we keep saying something, that’s where we need to be careful. There is POWER in the words we use, especially ones we use often.

I can’t …
I am sick and tired of …
I’m tired …
I hate …
I hate to see …
I can never …
I can’t stand …
I’m broke.

You can’t create abundance or prosperity if you believe in lacks. You will need to reprogram yourself to believe that you can have abundance. Believing in lacks means you believe you will never have enough money for what you need.

Do you find yourself saying things like:

“I can’t afford that.”
“I just can’t seem to make ends meet.”
“I never have enough money.”

You need to stop programming yourself for a lack of abundance. Years ago when I first learned about abundance and conscious language, I realized I had to stop saying, “I can’t afford it.” Somehow when you say things enough, your subconscious makes sure it happens. I changed that to, “I don’t choose to spend money on that right now.

There is a book I highly recommend called “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” by Joseph Murphy.

Energy follows thought. You get what you think about.

I thought I’d share a powerful energy routine that I just learned in a class I am taking. It is one that will rev up your energy for the day. It also lifts the mood.

joyfulNo matter what we are doing or whatever goals we are working toward, we need to have a good, positive energy vibration that will help us be successful. Always do something to put yourself in a good magnetic energy before you start working on your business. Try the EFT routine below to rev up your positive energy.

I always enhance the process by adding a couple drops of essential oil to my fingertips before I begin to tap. Oil blend choices: Joy, Abundance, Valor, Motivation, Gratitude, Live With Passion, Awaken, Believe, Harmony, Highest Potential, Hope, Magnify Your Purpose, Transformation.

Choose whatever oil you are drawn to. You can rotate different oils on different days.

handsTap through each sentence while tapping on the Karate Chop point, then tap through the points saying one sentence on each point. You can repeat as many times as you feel necessary.

I’m going to be happy.
I’m going to skip.
I’m going to be glad.
I’m going to smile a lot.
I’m going to be easy.
I’m going to count my blessings.
I’m going to look for reasons to feel good.
I’m going to dig up positive things from the past.
I’m going to look for positive things where I stand.
I’m going to look for positive things in the future.
It is my natural state to be a happy person.
It’s natural for me to love and to laugh.
This is what is most natural to me.
I am a happy person.


Your success in network marketing is up to you. Whether you build a full time income or whether you never earn a dime. It’s all up to you and it’s all in your head.

There is a difference between the top earners and the ones who never earn any money in network marketing. The top earners spend a little time every day doing things that will improve their skills and confidence. They read newsletters, books and listen to audios. They keep up with the latest news with their company, what’s working in marketing and things that improve their mindset.

Building skills and mindset affects the way you function every day in your business. It affects the way you carry yourself and the way others see you. It builds confidence. When you have that, you talk with authority and more people listen.

There are things that we all have in our heads that came from past experiences. Some of those things in our head can cause limiting beliefs and mental blocks to success or earning a lot of money. Sometimes people have a ceiling where they can get to a certain level in the leadership ranks or an amount of income and then the limiting beliefs kick in and we can find ourselves sabotaging our efforts.

Procrastination is one of the biggest sabotaging behaviors people get into. Procrastination is pretty much always coming from some underlying fear or limiting belief.

Think about what you want to accomplish in your business. Do you want to supplement income or build a business to the point where you can be full time?

Now look at your daily actions in your business. Are you promoting your business? You should have between 3-5 different marketing methods that you use every day.

If you are promoting your web site, are you checking email and responding to emails and phone calls?

If you are going for days without talking to people about your business or doing any promotion or followup, you have some limiting belief that is holding you back.

EFT is wonderful to help release limiting beliefs. That is why I love supplementing personal development training with EFT. EFT never replaces personal development training. It enhances it.

Personal development is at the root of every successful network marketer. I would be willing to say it is the absolute most important ingredient for success.

Our thinking affects everything. It is crucial that we build our success mindset.

Here is a video I did recently on why we must be ALWAYS improving our success mindset. I have also included an EFT Tapping Session on Belief.

Your self-esteem begins to be undermined by things people told you and feelings about negative experiences you had when you were young. Many people have been treated poorly and told they won’t amount to much or compared to another child.

Even when we were treated well by family, there are things that can happen over the years of our childhood and teen age years that can affect our self-esteem. Those little things can accumulate and affect the way we operate as an adult.

rejectedYou can use EFT to help release some of the negative feelings around these issues. Try thinking back on anything in your childhood that made you feel embarrassed, rejected or not good enough. If you were always picked last for the sports team or felt left out in some way. Things like this stay in our subconscious and can cause you to hold back in your network marketing business or other things you are striving to accomplish in your life.

Think of some of these incidents that happened in the past. Take notice how strong the negative feeling is on a scale between 0-10. Ten being the most most powerful negative feeling.

Now as you start tapping, think of how you felt. Tap through the points in the EFT Tapping Script below. Keep going through the first part with the negative until you feel the negative emotion drop to zero. Young Living Essential Oils users may want to use Release Essential Oil blend with this part of the process.

Once you get the negative feeling down to zero, you can do some positive feeling tapping. Use a mood uplifting essential oil blend for this part. I like Joy or Acceptance oil blends for the second part of the EFT session where you shift to forward moving energy and mindset.

You can change the script below to fit whatever feelings or issues you want. The important thing is to feel and release the negative feelings around the incidents. You can do this over and over with anything you want. Sometimes as you are tapping, you will remember other incidents that bother you. You could add those to a list of things to tap next.

Start on the Karate Chop Point
If you know of something specific that has contributed to lower self esteem, you can tap on that.Release Essential Oil with EFT If you are not sure what to tap on, you can tap on some general

Even though they told me I’d never amount to anything, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t feel good about myself, I deeply love and accept myself
Even though a part of me doesn’t like myself at all, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway.
Even though I am not worthy of success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Round One: Focusing on the Feelings

(eyebrow) I don’t like myself much.
(side of eye) I am having trouble accepting myself.
(under eye) I feel defective and don’t feel confident.
(nose) I don’t think I’ll ever accept myself.
(chin) I don’t like myself.
(collarbone) I don’t accept who I am.
(under arm) I They told me I was not good enough.
(head) I don’t like myself.

Keep repeating round one until you feel the negative emotions are released.

Round Two: Implant Positive
(eyebrow) What if I could like myself?
(side of eye) They were wrong to say I wouldn’t amount to much
(under eye) I know they were wrong!
(nose) I have so many wonderful qualities.
(chin) People are drawn to me because of my magnetic personality.
(collarbone) I choose to recognize my own unique qualities.
(under arm) I appreciate who I am now.
(head) I am so grateful for my growing self-esteem.

Try using EFT to release things that would block your network marketing success. Listen to your intuition when using oils with EFT. There are many Young Living Oil blends that can be used for emotional clearing with EFT. Use whatever oil feels right. It will likely be a good one.

I have a little secret weapon that I love to add to my EFT sessions. What is the secret weapon, you ask?


When I teach fellow network marketers how to do EFT, I always teach them how to enhance their EFT sessions with powerful emotional essential oil blends.

To use essential oils with EFT, just put a couple drops of the essential oil on your fingertips and on the karate chop point before you begin tapping. The oil will be carried to all the other points as you tap.

EFT Oils - Valor
Valor – an essential oil blend that empowers the mind and increases feelings of courage and confidence. Valor would be a wonderful oil to use before doing anything that is out of your comfort zone. Use it before doing business or product presentations, prospecting, follow up calls, or anything that makes you feel fearful.

Valor also balances the body’s energy meridians and emotions. It’s a wonderful oil to add to and EFT routine. You can use Valor before you begin to help make everything you are doing more effective, then finish up with Valor to give you strength to move forward.

Procrastination is usually caused by an underlying fear. Using Valor with EFT on whatever you are procrastinating can help shift to a more productive state of mind. If you are procrastinating business tasks you could do some tapping on procrastination and getting out of your comfort zone.

Tapping Scripts With Valor

Motivation – An essential oil blend that may promote feelings of action and accomplishment. This is an essential oil that is helpful when you have things to do but you just don’t feel motivated to do it.

Tapping Scripts With Motivation

Envision – An oil blend that stimulates feelings of creativity and resourcefulness, encouraging renewed faith in the future and the strength necessary to achieve your dreams.

Acceptance – encourages feelings of self-worth and acceptance. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control. The economy is one example. Losing a job is another example. Things keep changing. Some changes are good, some changes are not so good. Accepting things that you can’t change helps you to figure out how to move forward. Accepting things as they are helps emotionally let go of past mistakes and formulate a plan to move in the direction you really want to make progress in, no matter what kind of area you want success in.

Highest Potential – is an oil that was designed to increase your capacity to achieve your highest potential and be your best self. Use whenever you need a little extra inspiration, confidence and determination.

Release is a blend with a relaxing aroma that facilitates the ability to let go of anger and frustration. This oil is wonderful with EFT to let go of things that are holding you back.

I have had a couple people tell me that they have an overwhelming need to talk and unload the negative feelings when they use Release oil. I recommend the “Tap While You Gripe” technique for this. It works wonders when you want to vent about something that makes you angry or upset. With the “Tap While You Gripe” technique, you just tap through the EFT points while you talk about whatever is bothering you. Get it all off your chest. You can say the words out loud or in your head but just say anything that comes to mind about the issue. Sometimes you may not even know why you feel bad. Tap anyway. Start with, “I feel bad but I don’t know why.” Then describe the way you feel and keep tapping on whatever comes to mind.

Don’t worry about getting the points right. You can tap all or just a few of the points. Just tap and talk.

Do a little mental gauge: On a scale between 0 and 10 how strong is this negative emotion? 10 is really strong negative feelings. Keep tapping until you get down to zero.

Release oil blend is really great for releasing anger and other negative feelings.

Abundance oil blend is possibly my favorite of all. This oil blend raises your abundance-oil-blendbody’s energy to the frequency of attraction so you attract abundance. Abundance oil is also very uplifting. Abundance is one oil I apply every morning before I do any business. I also apply it whenever I go anywhere there are people. That oil attracts business.

You can use Abundance oil with EFT when you are working on law of attraction issues. The law of attraction is always at work. Our negative emotions block abundance so we want to be shifting our energy to a positive attracting one. We want to radiate an abundance energy.

Abundance oil is also wonderful for affirmation tapping. Also when you are focusing on your goals.

Here is an excellent EFT Session that Abundance oil works well with:

I am A Magnet For Abundance and Success

Listen to your intuition when using oils with EFT. The names of Young Living Oil blends give an impression what they can be used for on an emotional level but sometimes you can be drawn to an oil you would not normally expect. Use whatever oil feels right. It will likely be a good one.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

Essential Oils and EFT