Even though you feel passionate about your products and the opportunity, you may feel uncomfortable about “selling”. These negative feelings are impacting your business, creating blocks and resistance to volume and team growth.

Before you begin the tapping for discomfort of “selling” you will find it helpful to think about communicating in a way that you can feel good about. When you feel good about what you are saying, it doesn’t feel like selling. It feels more like sharing.

You have a solution to a problem. When you speak from a place of solving their problem, it will feel much more natural. Advanced preparation is another important key. Having something in mind to say will be a big step in releasing the uncomfortable feelings around sales.

Those of you who are essential oil distributors can make opening conversations easier with this little tip:

    EVERY DAY wear an oil that will cause someone to comment on how good you smell (opening to say: “I’m wearing natural Essential Oils because I prefer a toxin free perfume. This one is called Stress Away. It smells great and who doesn’t want a little Stress Away these days? Have you ever used Essential Oils? …”

Here is an example of what I say that includes the business:
“I help people support their health by replacing toxic chemicals with essential oils while creating a great income from home so you can build and live a lifeSTYLE instead of a life-SENTENCE.”

If you know you have something that would help people break free from the struggle or challenges they are facing, isn’t there an obligation to share?

It’s like they are in prison. For some people it is a prison of poor health, for some it is working a job they hate, just to barely make ends meet. They are in prison and You Have the Key! Are you going to stand there with the key in your pocket, wondering if you should speak up and share? Are you hoping they will ask if you have the key? Or, are you going to take the key out, hold it up and say, “here is the key to your prison. Would you like this key?”
Why wouldn’t you share with them that you have the key to their prison?

Some people will say no thank you, I like my prison. I don’t want to get out of it, and that’s fine. But there are a lot of people who will say “Thank you, you are an answer to my prayer!”

A Mindset Shift

If you have any negative feelings about selling or marketing, you must shift those feelings. This is where EFT is a powerful tool.

If you feel that people will think you are pushy or only in it for the money, those are YOUR fears. As a person who has been working from my home for over 20 years, I know the wonderful feeling of FREEDOM! I especially want people I care about to feel that too.

If you are passionate about the products, that is all the more reason to let go of the negative feeling around selling. Remember, Those are all YOUR fears. They are a person who is in need of what you have to offer.

How about we do some tapping on sales and marketing? 😉

Focus in on your feelings around selling or marketing.

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Valor, Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Field.
Add a drop or two of essential oil to fingertips before tapping through the points.

While tapping the karate chop point on either hand, repeat these phrases, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

Even though I hate selling, I deeply love and accept myself.
Even though selling makes me feel uncomfortable, I completely love and accept myself.
Even though marketing or selling makes me anxious, I deeply love and accept myself.

Focusing on the Negative Feelings

(eyebrow) I hate selling!
(side of eye) It just feels uncomfortable.
(under eye) I feel like I am being pushy.
(nose) They are not going to like me.
(chin) I don’t want to come across like a pushy salesman.
(collarbone) People hate someone who is pushy and salesy.
(under arm) I have negative feelings about salesmen.
(head) I’m not going to be a pushy salesman.

(eyebrow) I hate selling!
(side of eye) It just feels uncomfortable.
(under eye) What if they think I am greedy.
(nose) I know they are going to think I am only in this for the money.
(chin) They won’t see that I really care about them.
(collarbone) That I really want to make a difference in their life.
(under arm) I have negative feelings and fears.
(head) What if they think I am sleezy and manipulative?

(eyebrow) How can I let my fear get in the way of helping them?
(side of eye) As long as I am afraid of what they think of me,
(under eye) I am just creating more of that bad energy.
(nose) People need what I have.
(chin) I am releasing the negative feelings about selling.
(collarbone) I am releasing it from every cell in my body.
(under arm) Releasing the discomfort about selling.
(head) Letting go of the uncomfortable feeling.

(eyebrow) People need what I have.
(side of eye) How can I not share something that might change their life?
(under eye) How can I not share this?
(nose) I was extremely grateful someone cared enough about me to share a way out.
(chin) I am going to treat my prospect the same way.
(collarbone) Helping them is more important than my fear.
(under arm) It doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable.
(head) I love how it feels to help people.

(eyebrow) I love my products and I have benefited greatly from them
(side of eye) People need a way out.
(under eye) I can help them.
(nose) I love talking to people and helping them experience freedom
(chin) I choose to feel comfortable sharing a way out.
(collarbone) I am prepared and confident talking about options to help my prospects.
(under arm) I love helping people who really want to know more about what I have
(head) I choose to feel comfortable and confident in sharing health and FREEDOM with many people.

Take a deep breath.

Tap through this script as many times as you need to.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT.

I recently had a person comment on one of my articles on fear of success. He thought it was absurd that someone would fear success. He said, “Everyone wants success.”

Well, that is true, everyone does want success but why is it that NOT EVERYONE is successful? The simple fact is, everyone has hidden fears about something. These hidden fears can cause resistance to success. Your subconscious mind is operating on another level and it might be sabotaging your success.

You want to be successful but you keep getting in your own way. I know how that feels. I have gone through periods of sabotage. EFT is the best way to clear it and get moving again. If you are serious about reducing sabotage, you will want to do some EFT every morning to get your mindset and vibrational energy in the abundance attracting side rather than repelling. If you are resisting, you are repelling whatever it is you want to attract.

Think about what you want.

    What does success in your network marketing business feel like?
    Picture yourself there.
    What is happening?
    What responsibilities will you have?
    How much money is coming in with your monthly commission check?
    What is the size of your team?
    What kind of leader are you?
    How many leaders do you have on your team?

As you think about each of these things, take notice of how you feel as you think about EACH ONE. If you get any negative feelings like nervousness, anxiety, fear, overwhelm, or anything negative, these are things that can become blocks. These blocks can cause you to fall into sabotaging behavior.

Do you ever find yourself “going down a rabbit hole” when you really intend to be working on income producing activities? You know what I mean. Those “SQUIRREL MOMENTS.” Those of you who saw the movie “UP” know what squirrel moments are. 😉

Anyway, You intend to do some prospecting, make some followup phone calls, write a blog post or some other business building activity but you see a drawer that needs to be cleaned out, a closet that needs organizing, dust bunnies, a little online research, a cat video on Facebook. You find yourself distracted and procrastinating. The time slips away and you didn’t get anything on your income producing activities list done.

I get it. I have those moments too. The key is, when you notice yourself falling into a squirrel moment or some other form of procrastination, stop and do some EFT!

Think about some of these possible hidden fears:

    New responsibilities
    People expect things of you
    There are lots of changes
    A lot of work involved
    I’ll have no time
    I don’t like calling people on the phone
    I don’t like talking to strangers
    Fear you won’t be able to do what it takes
    Fear of letting your spouse or family down

    Past issues
    You may have witnessed the toll success has taken on someone you know
    The way your parents talked about successful people
    Harsh judgments you witnessed other people doing to people who were successful

These are just a few examples. There are all kinds of things that come with success. Some of these things are scary but EFT is a great way to clear those negative feelings.

Below is a Tapping Script for those times when you are having a SQUIRREL MOMENT. I would use Valor and Acceptance oil with this one. You could do some rounds with Magnify Your Purpose oil. More on those oils here.

Click to enlarge Tapping Points Image:

Even though I am having another SQUIRREL MOMENT, I deeply love and accept myself
Even though I am going down a rabbit hole, I deeply love and accept myself
Even though I am sabotaging my success with all of the SQUIRREL MOMENTS, I deeply love and accept myself

Another squirrel moment.
I keep getting distracted.
Going down another rabbit hole.
It’s just my way of procrastinating,
and procrastinating is sabotage.
I don’t know why I am procrastinating.
I know procrastination and sabotage are based in fear.
What is it I am afraid of?
Am I afraid of success?
It would be a BIG CHANGE.
Lots of new leadership responsibilities.
I feel responsible for my team members success.
It will be overwhelming.
People will want more of my time and attention.
I will be WAY outside of my comfort zone.
Afraid I will let people down.
I don’t want to be judged.
(Fill in any fears you are aware of)
I’m handling about all I can do right now,
If I take action and succeed,
I’m going to have to handle a whole lot more
That seems too overwhelming.
I am resisting success but I want success.
I know this sabotage is coming from my subconscious.
I want success but I keep sabotaging.
I am afraid I won’t be able to do this.

I’m getting older and I feel like life is passing by.
All I do is work, come home and fix dinner, Sleep, Work and Repeat.
Over and over again work, come home and fix dinner, Sleep, Work and Repeat.
Is this all there is to life?
Am I going to have to work all my life and never really have a LIFE?!
I want to do this network marketing business so I can change all of that.
I want to work from home doing something I LOVE.
I want FREEDOM to do what I want, when I want!
I’m so DONE with being a compulsive clock watcher!
Counting the minutes until I can go home!
I want both time and financial FREEDOM!

I am releasing the fear of stepping outside of my comfort zone.
My LIFE is at stake here!
A life I enjoy! Not a live of slavery to the time clock!
I am releasing the habit of putting things off.
Releasing and clearing at a cellular level.
Going back to my past, where I got the message that success was not safe for me.
Maybe it came from a past experience where some success I had came with negative consequences.
Releasing and clearing at a cellular level.
Letting go of the fear!
Letting go of the SQUIRREL MOMENTS!
I am releasing the habit of procrastination.
Letting go of the fear of what will happen.
Release and let go of the fear of taking action.

I choose to feel safe and confident in my action.
I choose to get moving.
I am stepping out of my comfort zone.
I choose to move forward one step at a time.
I feel good moving forward.
I enjoy taking action.
I feel good moving forward.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I have the power to change my life.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I have the power to change my life
I am celebrating change and transition.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I feel confident about becoming successful.
I choose to achieve success,
and show others that they can do it too.
Being successful is a much better way to do this!
I can handle it!
I am attracting an ABUNDANT LIFE!

I rarely do EFT without using some oils to enhance the tapping. If you would like to really power up your tapping, check out the EFT Oils.