EFT for Network Marketing SuccessThe Law of Attraction is always at work and is especially important to be aware of as you are building your network marketing business. You are always radiating either a good attracting or a negative repelling energy or vibration. People we come in contact with pick up on our energy.

To be successful in network marketing, you will need to work hard and do the DAILY income producing activities, but if you have negative energy the process will be much more difficult. Things you focus on will affect your energy and abundance. If you are worried about how you will earn enough money to make ends meet, those feelings will create a feeling of scarcity that will overflow onto your marketing efforts.

EFT is an excellent tool to help enhance the Law of Attraction. It can be helpful in several ways. First, EFT can help us in discovering and releasing emotional blocks and limitations that get in the way of progress. Our emotions very powerfully affect how the Law of Attraction works for us. Negative emotions become blocks that can stop us in our tracks. They can cause us to procrastinate or be ineffective in our efforts.

EFT is also great to rev up positive energy. You can use it to make affirmations more effective. You can also enhance visualization techniques by tapping as you visualize. The ways you can use EFT to enhance your abundance energy is pretty much endless. It’s only limited by your imagination.

Try out the Scarcity Tapping Script:

Click to enlarge Tapping Points Image:
EFT for Network Marketing Success

Essential Oil Blends that work well with this tapping: Abundance, Believe, Envision, Gratitude, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Transformation, Valor

Add a drop or 2 of essential oil to your fingertips and start tapping on the Karate Chop point.

Even though I’m anxious about money, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m afraid I’ll never be able to change my situation, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I am afraid there will never be enough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Round One:
I really want a profitable network marketing business.
I don’t feel very prosperous.
I am afraid there isn’t enough business out there for me.
There was never enough.
I am always feeling anxious about money.
I feel there is never enough money.
I’m afraid to get my hopes up.
What if I can not attract enough customers.
What if they won’t buy anything?
I’m a little afraid there is not enough abundance out there.
I am afraid there won’t be enough customers.
What if I can’t generate any business?

Round Two:
Releasing negative emotions about building my business.
Releasing the fear that there is not enough money.
Release and let go of fears about finding enough customers.
Releasing the uncomfortable feeling about not having enough business.
Letting go of the fear that there will never be enough.
I am releasing the fear they won’t buy my products.
Letting go of the fear that there is not enough abundance.
I am releasing the fear of building my business.

I can believe there is more than enough business.
I appreciate that people need what I have.
I love knowing there is enough abundance to go around.
I choose to enjoy my abundantly growing business.
I choose to believe in abundance.
I feel confident in my ability to attract customers and distributors.
I accept prosperity into my life.
I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.

Click HERE for Information about Essential oils that enhance EFT.

EFT is a powerful tool to use along with the law of attraction. With the law of attraction, you attract whatever matches the energy or vibrations you are sending out or radiating.

Daily EFT can really set the tone for your abundance energy as you set about to do the daily tasks in your business. Not only does EFT help remove fears but it also enhances the law of attraction.

The video below is an EFT tapping session that I recommend using when you feel a need to rev up abundance vibrations. Tap along with this EFT session in the morning before beginning your business day.

There are printable EFT tapping script and points chart.

EFT Tapping Clip – I am A Magnet For Abundance & Success

YL Members: I am using Abundance Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script:
I am A Magnet For Abundance & Success EFT tapping script

Printable Tapping EFT Points Document

OH MY! Another day went by and I didn’t get that job done. Do you ever find yourself saying that? It’s amazing how fast time flies by. It’s so easy to get distracted with other things and let the important things slip by, especially things that make you feel a little uncomfortable. You can find yourself procrastinating and usually you don’t even realize why you are doing it.

As you are building your network marketing business, you have daily tasks, talking to people about your products or the business opportunity, emails and phone calls to make and to respond to. There are certain things that must be done if you want success. Sometimes you can find yourself doing busy work in the office but not things that actually grow your network marketing business.  This “busy work” is a form of procrastination.

Procrastination is actually one way we sabotage our success. Our subconscious subconscious resistance and fears get involved and we begin to sabotage our efforts, often by procrastinating.

There can be any number of reasons we might sabotage our success.  Here are a few common reasons for sabotage:

    Fear of change
    Fear of leadership
    Fear of responsibility
    Fear of discomfort in the spotlight
    Fear of being criticized
    Fear others will be jealous
    Safety issues

Sometimes we aren’t really sure why we are sabotaging our success with procrastination. EFT can be helpful in releasing some of our fears and getting the mood shifted to one that is taking action.

Try this EFT session for times when you find yourself procrastinating but you aren’t sure why.

 EFT Tapping Clip:
Releasing Sabotage by Procrastination

After you have done some EFT, here are some . . .

Tips to help with Procrastination:

1. Know WHY you are building this business and think about it every day. Then decide what you will do TODAY that will take you one step closer to your goal.

2. Make a list of the IMPORTANT things you want to accomplish today. I also have a tomorrow list that I start in the afternoon for the next day’s activities.

Some of the things on your list need to be things that will actually cause you to increase income – Getting people to your web site, putting marketing materials out, talking to prospects, etc.

3. Prioritize your list. Decide which things are most important on the list. Do those first. If you have something unpleasant to do, I recommend to get that over with first or early in the day. Everything else will be a breeze.

4. Big jobs can be broken down into parts. Part of your daily routine should be reading success books and training. I have several books I am in the process of reading. I read a bit from each every day. Even 15 minutes a day reading will be a positive step forward.

5. Make a plan and take action. Decide how much time you will spend each week on your business. Then plan what you will do during that time.

I recommend at a minimum of talking to at least two new prospects every day… that is 60 a month. If you recruit just 10%, you will have 6 new recruits personally sponsored every month.

You will never be perfect. You don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going.

You have to stretch yourself to get to the really good stuff that lies outside of your comfort zone. Most people never get to see how good the network marketing lifestyle is because they never stretch their comfort zone.

The thing is, when you get out of your comfort zone, you are actually stretching your comfort zone so that whatever once made you uncomfortable, becomes comfortable. You are growing.

Here are a couple tips for expanding your comfort zone:

  • 1. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway – That is an expression we often hear but it is a good place to start. You don’t have to jump in the deep end into the most fearful things but start with small things that make you feel uncomfortable. As you grow, you will be stronger and more confident to take on bigger things.
  • 2. Make a Plan – Take notice of the way you feel about certain things. Make a plan with smaller steps that will help you expand your comfort zone in that area.

    For example: In the beginning of my network marketing career I had a fear of being a leader. I was more comfortable being a follower but in network marketing, you must be a leader if you want to be successful. When you first start out, you have a very small group so it’s easy to take small steps. Part of my plan for overcoming fear of leadership was to learn everything I could about network marketing, leadership and my company.

  • 3. Increasing In Knowledge – This is a very important part of expanding your comfort zone and it should be a priority in your plan for success. As you learn, you apply those things to what you already know.

    Going back to the fear of leadership issue: I read books and listened to audios on things related to leadership and success in network marketing. I also hung out with leaders by going to meetings and events and talking to them, getting on conference calls and subscribing to their newsletters so I could observe them in action. As I learned things, I was always thinking about how I could use this information to help my downline. That is what a leader does, learn, apply, then share with the team.

    As I grew in experience and knowledge, my leadership skills grew. I am still growing and expanding my leadership skills and my comfort zone. It doesn’t have to be scary. Just start where you are. Take the first steps and keep expanding.

  • 4. Use Your Imagination – See in your mind’s eye the place you want to be. Visualize how you want your future and your business to look. A little visualization should be in your plan every day. It helps you look beyond the things going on today and keeps you fixed on the goal.
  • 5. Do Some EFT Tapping – EFT can be helpful in all kinds of ways to remove negative blocks and enhance the law of attraction.

Try tapping along with the Tapping Session below on being Confident Outside of My Comfort Zone:

Download the Printable Tapping Script: Confident Outside of My Comfort Zone EFT tapping script

Come back as often as you need and tap along with any EFT Sessions you need.

EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a form of psychological acupressure. With EFT you are tapping on various acupuncture meridian points while you focus on a negative issue you would like to change.

About 5,000 years ago, the Chinese discovered a complex system of energy circuits that run throughout the body. These energy circuits, or meridians, are the centerpiece of Eastern health practices and form the basis for modern day acupuncture, acupressure and a wide variety of other techniques.

With EFT, we are using a tapping technique instead of needles to stimulate traditional Chinese acupuncture points. While tapping various points on the face and body we are also verbalizing the issue followed by a general affirmation phrase.

EFT works on the physical and emotional level. You don’t have to believe it will work in order to get results. Many people have been skeptical when they first tried it.

Here’s a quote from Gary Craig’s EFT Manual:

The cause of ALL negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system. This includes fears, phobias, anger, grief, traumatic memories, PTSD, worry, guilt and all limiting emotions in sports, business and the performing arts. That’s a comprehensive list and covers just about every restrictive emotion we can experience.”

“Differently stated, this means that all these negative emotions have the same cause…. an electrical “zzzzzt” in the body. It also means…they can all be relieved in a similar manner.”

Everything we experience in our past from childhood on up affects our programming. Some of those experiences were very stressful, maybe even traumatic. The negative experiences around those events become an electrical “zzzzzt” in the body which can become blocks that affect our business and other things we want to do in life.

Here is an example from my life:
When I was 9 years old I was abducted by a stranger. I was able to escape but the event was terrifying. It affected me from that point on. I was afraid to go anywhere alone and I didn’t trust strangers. I have had subconscious protection programming going on that contributed to my not feeling comfortable in visible leadership roles. Actually it was quite a bit more than an uncomfortable feeling.

When I started my network marketing career, it was in spite of an intense fear of being a leader. At first I didn’t understand why I was so afraid. All I knew is that I had to be a leader if I wanted success in network marketing. I pressed on in spite of the fear.

I didn’t know EFT in the beginning but I was bull headed and would not give up. I knew my WHY and I was determined to be successful. You know how they say your WHY should make you cry? Mine did and STILL DOES!

That childhood memory caused me to be afraid to go anywhere alone, afraid to be visible and afraid to trust strangers. You can imagine how that would cause a lot of limiting beliefs in a business where I have to be a visible leader and talk to strangers.

EFT has been a powerful tool for releasing negative emotions clearing the layers of protection that become blocks to success.

When you clear things with EFT, some things will be cleared and you won’t have to keep working on it. One example is my fear of flying. I did EFT on one trip through the airport and on the plane. I am amazed how comfortable I have been since then. I have never needed to do anymore tapping when traveling on planes.

Some things you will want to do EFT on over and over. Someone who knows how to push your buttons and triggers you, may need multiple tapping sessions. When someone makes you mad, stop and tap.

Subscribe to EFT for Network Marketers and I will show you practical tips, shortcuts, and techniques to clear limiting beliefs and negative emotions, PLUS . . .

To get you started I will send you the FREE Report . . .

“Tap While You Gripe: Remove Blocks To Success & Become a Money Magnet”

  • What is the EFT Tap While You Gripe Technique and how can it help you remove blocks to success and how can it help you Attract New Customers and Business Builders every month?
  • Clear money worries and scarcity feelings that become a huge ENERGY BLOCK that gets in the way of attracting abundance.
  • Ways to Use EFT to shatter the blocks that have held you STUCK in your business.
  • Shift the “Hidden Subconscious Programming” that is blocking and limiting your money and business success and change to a distributor sponsoring money magnet.
  • Tapping Scripts and Tips for clearing blocks to Abundance and other things that are common stresses for network marketers.
  • Discreet Tapping Techniques so you can tap discreetly in public situations and no one will know you are tapping.