I learned “WHAT IF” tapping from Carol Look, one of my favorite EFT mentors.  Adding the question, WHAT IF?  to your tapping allows you to imagine the possibilities, looking beyond what you see in your life right now. It is our limiting beliefs that can get in the way of the success we would like to see. It is important to believe you can achieve your goals.
What If Royal Crown Diamond
Most people aren’t thinking of ranking to Diamond or Royal Crown Diamond when they start out. It’s always the income. It’s a way to take control of your financial situation, whether to add a little extra income or to grow it into a business that could become fulltime income.

If you have the belief that earning substantial full time income in your network marketing business, will happen for other people but not for you, this limiting belief can get in the way and become a block to your success in the business.

If you have the belief that people can’t afford to buy products or the belief that you can’t build a business during a bad economy, these are limiting beliefs that will block your success.

Here is an important fact to remember: Network Marketing and Direct Sales businesses thrive during economic down times. People are often looking for ways to supplement their income, PLUS, many of the products offered by these companies are things people use on a daily basis. Why not earn a little income from things people need to use every day. Examples are cleaners, laundry soap, personal care products, health and stress relief and more.

Let’s clear those limiting beliefs right now.

Use the What If tapping to look beyond your limiting belief to visualize the possibilities and What if YOU can TOO? When you feel any limiting beliefs coming up, focus on those and keep tapping through the points and releasing the limiting beliefs.

For this tapping, I like to use essential oil blends that help you relax and think about the future. A few Young Living Oil Blend possibilities are: Abundance, Envision, Believe, Magnify Your Purpose, Transformation, Into The Future, Valor.

There are lots of possibilities for oils to use. Go with whatever feels right to you. The added essential oil is not necessary but the oil helps infuse extra energy into your tapping session.

If you are using essential oil in your tapping session, just add a couple drops to your fingertips before you begin tapping and start tapping through the points:

Starting on the Karate Chop point:

Even though I don’t believe I can build a strong income with this business, especially in this bad economy, WHAT IF I have been wrong about this?
Even though building a substantial income with network marketing works for other people but not me, WHAT IF I could actually build a full time income.
Even though I have had all these limiting beliefs about my ability to build a strong, abundant, income producing network marketing business, WHAT IF it IS possible for me?

Now tap through the rest of the points: (It doesn’t really matter which points, just tap through.)

What If I really could build this business into a substantial income?
What if I have learned someone else’s wrong limiting belief about success being for other people but not me?
What if the limiting beliefs I have learned are NOT TRUE?
What if I am in control of all of these limiting beliefs?
What if I am a really powerful business builder?
What if I really am a Diamond in the making?
What if, all this time my limiting beliefs have been blocking my efforts and making me spin my wheels. I have been blocking I have to do is believe it’s possible?
What if limiting beliefs are slowing me down like a stuck wheel on a shopping cart?
What if I can release these limiting beliefs and blocks to my building an abundantly income producing network marketing business?
What if I can actually build a business that would, not only help me but also help many others build a strong income working from home.
What if I am just as deserving and capable as anyone else who has built a successful business working from home?
What if I do have what it takes to build this business as big as I want it, all the way to the top rank?
What if I really CAN do this?
What if I DO deserve an abundantly successful income producing Diamond sized business just as much as they do?
What if I am releasing these blocks and limiting beliefs right now?
What if I am leading a team of happy abundantly income producers right now?
What if we are releasing our limiting beliefs and helping each other build this business?
What if I really could believe it?
Why NOT?
I’m not so different as they are!
I’m sure some of them had limiting beliefs too.
They just kept moving forward toward the goal!
One day at a time.
One Income Producing DAY at a time!
I can do that too!!!
I KNOW I can!
I have oils and EFT to help me.
I’m tapping away any limiting beliefs!
I am releasing the emotional attachment to the belief that I can’t build this business into a substantial income!
I really CAN do this!
I am attracting strong, confident, successful business builders and we are building a strong, abundant, income producing network marketing business TOGETHER!

Take a deep breath!

I recommend doing this tapping session daily. Things will come up in daily life. There will be things that feel frustrating. Unexpected bills, a pandemic or who knows what. When that happens, keep moving forward with tapping and clearing limiting beliefs. I will be doing it with you! Together we can do this!! 😉

Click HERE to buy Young Living Oil Blends

Do you ever find yourself holding back when opportunities arise to speak about your products or the business? Sometimes we get in our own way and make things feel larger than they need to be.
Think about all the times you shared your favorite recipe, a movie you really enjoyed or if something really helped you in some way. It’s easy to talk about. Your business and your product use should feel the same way.

When we are selling the product, it somehow feels different but if you just shift your mindset a bit, you can make it feel as natural and easy.

Don’t be afraid to say you sell the product. “Yes, I sell these products. They have helped my family so much I decided I needed to earn enough to cover my oil habit. It ended up growing into a full time career.” 😉

Or, “I love these products so much and I can’t live without them so I decided to sell them and earn a little extra income. Who knows how far it can go. Hey! Why not join me and we can do this together. What fun we could have working together supporting our family’s physical and financial health!”

Don’t make it feel weird, just matter of fact. No worries if they do not want to join you. They may down the line. Keep reminding them by using the product front of them and even sharing something that will help them. Not salesy, just sharing.

It is really important that you really believe in your product and business. Find a product you LOVE! I know some people can sell anything but most of us are not that way but we DO love talking about things we love. For me, essential oils was easy because I LOVE things that smell good. Years ago, when I began my business, did NOT know that most of the scented perfumes and candles were full of toxic chemicals. Thankfully I have learned and replaced the toxic products with healthy ones, but for me, that’s not what makes me feel joy and want to talk about it. It’s the way I can lift the mood with just a drop of oil. It’s playing with making my own skin care products it’s so many fun things I can’t list them all. Find what brings you joy and talk it up. 😉

If you have products that help people strengthen their health or immune system, replace toxic chemicals and have healthier options, there is a mission in that. People need to know there are better option.

Whatever you need to do, refocus on WHY you’re doing this business and what you LOVE about the product.

It’s true, there are times when you need a little help. This is where I like to do a little tapping to get my mind focused on what I intend for growing the business.

Here is some tapping to help release the fear of speaking up:

If you are using essential oils with your tapping session, add the oils to your fingertips and tap through the points. It really does not matter which points you tap. Just tap through the points focusing on the words and feelings.
I love using Valor for courage to speak up. Other oil blends that are good with this EFT session on belief are Abundance, Acceptance, Gathering, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Release.

Side of the Hand:
Even though I’m holding myself back from speaking up about my products (or the business),
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m holding back from taking action, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I’m holding back from sharing the awesome products and business I have, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.

Starting at eyebrow point:
I keep stopping myself from talking about my products.
I keep holding back.
I LOVE my products but I keep holding back.
I know they will benefit from them like I have.
I have all these fears inside,
I fear they will reject me.
What if they hate network marketing?
What if they think I am stupid for being in a network marketing business?
I hate feeling like a sales person.
I have all these uncomfortable feelings.
Why do I feel that way?
I LOVE these products.
They have changed my life in so many ways.
I love how I feel.
I really want to share with my friends.
I have no problem talking about a movie I loved, or a recipe I love or even a product I love.
My earning a commission from products I share should not feel yucky!
I love these products so much I decided to earn a little extra money selling them.
It’s not weird at all.
Plus, It’s actually fun when we do this together.
It’s not weird to talk about the products I LOVE!
I have decided to stop making it feel uncomfortable.
I release the emotional attachment to holding back.
I release the emotional attachment to fear of rejection.
If I asked a friend out for coffee and they said they couldn’t do it right now, do I feel rejected?
It’s not rejection of me!
I release the emotional attachment to holding back sharing the good things I have.
I release the emotional attachment to holding back sharing the products I LOVE!

I am open to talking about a product that I actually sell.
I love it so much I wanted to sell it!
There is nothing weird about that.
Letting go of any old ideas that holds me back from speaking about a product I love.
Releasing any ideas that told me it wasn’t okay to talk about a product I love,
just because I happen to sell it.
I had a fear they would think I was only trying to sell to them so I didn’t speak up,
but I am THANKFUL someone shared with me.
It has changed my life!
I’m letting that old way of thinking go now.
I’m releasing that way of thinking go now.
I’m releasing the emotional attachment to that way of thinking go now.
I now know it’s okay to talk about a product I sell.
I’ll just say, “I loved these products so much I decided to sell them and earn a little extra income to pay for my oily habit.”
Nothing uncomfortable or weird about that at all.
I’m releasing any fear of sharing what I LOVE!

I delight in sharing what I LOVE.
I love talking about it.
I love rolling oils on people
I love taking action.
I love helping my friends.
I love sharing.
I radiate confidence.
I am full of passion.
I love how confident I am feeling.

Take a deep breath.

Click to enlarge Tapping Points Image:

EFT Oils

focusKeeping focused on the road ahead. When you are driving your car toward a destination, you need to keep focused on the road ahead. You have laid out the path to the destination and you start your journey toward your goal.

You look in the rear view mirror briefly but you don’t spend too much time looking at what is behind you. If you did that, you would run off the road and crash.

Another thing: you don’t spend too much time looking at the things beside you or around you. If you want to arrive safely at your destination, you keep focused on the road ahead. That way you see the bumps and potholes and anything that is going to slow or hinder you in your journey. Sometimes you may come across a detour and may need to make an adjustment to your route but you still have your destination in mind and you are still focused ahead on the goal.

Now think about the driving illustration as you work toward your goals. This principal applies to any goals we are working on. It could be spiritual goals, weight loss goals, exercise and fitness goals, business goals or pretty much anything we are working toward. Since this blog is primarily to help you as a network marketer, we will focus on business goals.

The first thing you need to do is figure out where you want to go in your business. Your WHY! For me it was FREEDOM. Freedom from the daily grind of having to go to a job that I really didn’t enjoy, just to make ends meet. Life is too short to waste doing that. Also Financial Freedom was a part of it.

Most network marketers start their business with the idea of some kind of freedom that building a home business can help you achieve. Whether you are thinking that an income on the side that would supplement your monthly income or whether you intend to grow a business that can fully support your family, the same principle applies. You have to keep your goal in mind and your eyes on the road ahead.

You will occasionally look in the rear view mirror to see things behind. You can learn from things that happened in the past, both good and bad. You must not spend too long dwelling on the past. If you do, you have taken your eyes off the road. This is especially a problem if we have things we feel bad about and wish we had done differently. We can end up beating up on ourselves and wasting time. Dieters often have this problem. A bad eating day can result in going days before getting back on track. Just acknowledge it and say, “Yup, I messed that up. Now I’m focusing on the future!”

As you are driving a car, there will be things that happen around you. You have someone in the car with you, you see beautiful scenery along the road, passing interesting locations you might like to check out or any number of distractions. The same is true as you are driving toward your business goals. There will be all kinds of distractions along the way.

There are several times during the year when when distributors can be tempted to take a leave of absence from their business. Summertime and holiday seasons are good examples. There are always going to be distractions. It is very unwise to take your focus off your goals during the summer or other seasons of partying. You can still have fun doing summer vacation things but never take your focus off your goals. There are plenty of opportunities to advance your business during the summer or other busy times.

You can stay in marketing mode even when having fun doing other things.

Never forget your your destination. That is why it is imperative to set goals, map out a plan to get there and then STAY FOCUSED on the road ahead. Always remember your WHY. Each morning ask yourself, “What can I do today that will help me to move closer to my goals?”

Those of you who are using Young Living Oils, you have several helpful oils that can help you keep focused on your goals. A few examples are: Magnify Your Purpose, Abundance, Frankincense, Envision, Clarity, Motivation, Dream Catcher.

Use oils with EFT to help you get focused on what you want to accomplish in your business. Remember and focus on your WHY.

Here is an EFT Tapping to Rev Up Abundance Energy – Focus on your WHY – Your Network Marketing Mission

Add the oils to your fingertips and tap through the points. It really does not matter which points you tap. Just tap through the points focusing on the words and feelings.

Starting at eyebrow point:

I have a gift that can bring freedom for some and I would love to share it more
In these economic times people really need solutions.
Network marketing is a solution for me and many others.
It is a better way and I want to share it with more people.
Sometimes I’m afraid to share what I have.
I admit it, Sometimes I’m kind of a chicken.
I’m so worried about failing.
I worry too much about what people will think.

Sometimes I’d rather be invisible.
It’s easier in my comfort zone
Yes, it’s easier to hide and play it safe …
but I have played small long enough.
I’m sick of playing small!!
What I have is really great and can really help people, me included!
I choose to remember WHY I am building this business.
What kind of person would I be if I didn’t share this?
I am a walking reward for 10,000 people.
I am going for it now!
Even though I am afraid of failing
I’m NOT giving in!
This is MY time!
I’ve waited long enough.
I am going for it.
I want to share a solution and get paid well.

This is my time to shine.
and I really do want it.
I am stepping up in my mission.
Yes, it feels scary, but I am doing it anyway!
I am letting the universe know that I really do want this.
I am ready to help other people find their FREEDOM This is my mission
I am open and ready to receive more!
I am GOING for it! Yes I am!!

Take a deep breath.

You can tap along with the video if you like:

Success in any kind of business requires doing actual Income Producing Activities every day. In a regular JOB you arrive for the work schedule every day and you have to do the daily tasks or you will get fired. When you have a network marketing business, you are working from home on your own schedule. It can be a challenge to keep focused on the actual income producing activities that actually grow your business. It can be easy to get caught up in doing things that seem like business activities but are really just a form of procrastination. Things like organizing the office or learning all you can about the products and the science behind them, checking in on Facebook Groups related to your business or making graphics. These things are important but if you spend too much time in any area that is not an income producing activity, your business will not grow.

Income producing activities involve connecting with people, approaching new people, talking with people and building relationships. There are lots of ways to do that both in person and online. It’s really not hard and actually quite fun once you get past the underlying anxiety that gets in the way.

It’s the underlying anxiety that causes procrastination. We all have it in some area. In your business it can show up when you feel hesitant to talk about your business or product.
To build a successful network marketing business, you need to step out of your comfort zone.

There are lots of ways to open up conversation and interest in your products and business. Think of it as planting seeds. Make connections and friends.

EFT is powerful way to help with stepping out of your comfort zone and attacking your Daily IPAs. You can tap on whatever you are feeling that is slowing you down or getting in your way. I really love the Tap While You Gripe technique. Just tap and say (or think) whatever is on your mind. Notice the feelings you are having about talking about your business. Do you feel uncomfortable bringing up the product or that you are building a home business? Feelings like that will cause procrastination which will block your success.

I always use an essential oil blend to power up my EFT tapping. You can do EFT without oils but if you are a Young Living Essential Oil user, just add a couple drops of oil to your fingertips and start tapping through the points. Use whatever oil feels right for you. A few ideas are: Abundance, Motivation, Magnify Your Purpose, Valor.

Let’s do some tapping on this!

Jump right in tapping through any of the points.

I am anxious about putting myself out there.
Talking with new people and making new connections and new friends.
I know I need to make new connections and build relationships.
I find myself sometimes holding back.
I want to make more connections and build relationships.
I know this is a relationship business.
It’s very important to grow my connections and friends.
I don’t feel very social.
I am an introvert.
I feel a little anxious about approaching people I don’t know.
It feels a little uncomfortable so I hold back.
Staying in my comfort zone with the same 30 people I already know.
I even hold back talking to the ones I already know.
What if they think I’m a weirdo?
I am releasing the emotional attachment to feeling anxious.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to feeling uncomfortable.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to feeling unsocial.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to fear of speaking up.
RELEASE the anxiety …
RELEASE the discomfort …
RELEASE the fear.
It doesn’t have to be hard.
If I just love on my friends and share with them, things happen naturally.
I’ll use my favorite products in front of them and share if they need it.
This doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable.
I share all kinds of things with my friends and family that I get no benefit from.
I share movies I like.
I share restaurants I like.
I share lots of products I like that I never get compensation for.
I just share because I love my friends and it’s natural to talk about what I love.
It’s natural to talk about how a product has helped my family.
I love my products and my business and I on the lookout for ways I can share what I love.
I know some of my friends will want to join me on this healthy lifestyle journey.
Some will also want to join me in this amazing community and a lifestyle of freedom.
It doesn’t have to feel weird.
It’s just a matter of fact.
I use these products for a more healthy lifestyle for my family.
I happen to get paid for referrals.
That’s nothing to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about.
It makes me one smart cookie.
I love helping people have a healthier lifestyle.
I love connecting and making new friends and building my community of friends living a lifestyle of health and freedom.

Take a deep breath.

Tap as often as you need to. Add any feelings you want to as you shift to feeling more comfortable making connections and sharing the products you love.
This would be a good one to tap through before any social events where you will be meeting new friends or interacting with people you already know.

Click here to ORDER essential oils TODAY!

Releasing the Anxiety of Prospecting

For some business building ideas check out the article: How to Attract Prospects By Building Friendships

Do you ever find yourself putting things off that you know will help your business grow faster? Sometimes getting sidetracked and going down a rabbit hole of time wasting activity. Even personal development and product training can become time wasting activity if we are not taking action on what we are learning. If you don’t take action, you have NO network marketing business. Action is what will grow your income.

We all we get distracted with time wasting activities from time to time but what if it has become a pattern? What if you find yourself organizing the office or files on the computer. Or, one I have had trouble with at times is making graphics and marketing materials for my team. Those are all good things to do but NOT if it causes you to neglect Income Producing ACTION.

Time wasting activities are a way of procrastinating. Procrastination is always caused by a subconscious fear that is causing resistance to taking action. You can clear some of these fears with EFT. EFT can also help you get moving in action.

Have a little talk with yourself and commit to just one ACTION. I like to do this on days when I find myself struggling with distractions and not feeling like doing Income Producing Activities. It has to be an income producing action (IPA). Organizing your desk doesn’t count as action. 😉

Income producing action would be some contact with another person where there is potential for a business connection, a follow up call, email or text, ask a question and share an oil or a flyer, connect with an old friend, share a drop of essential oil with someone who needs it, etc. There are lots of actions you could take.

Before you do that, why not do some tapping. Here is a tapping script for Taking One Action.

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Release, Valor, Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Field.

Add a drop or two of essential oil to fingertips before tapping through the points.

While tapping the karate chop point on either hand, repeat these phrases, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

Even though I’ve been holding myself back from action, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’ve been holding myself back from action, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I’ve been holding myself back from action, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

I’ve been holding back.
Blocking myself with inaction.
It’s really bothering me.
There’s things I could be doing.
There are definitely some things that I could be getting done.
Actions I could be taking.
I intend to build a successful business that will change my life.
I know I need to take action if I want my business to succeed.
Income producing action.
Talking to people.
Using products in front of people to stir interest and conversation.
Approaching people and talking about my products.
Something is holding me back.
I find myself holding back.
I need to follow up.
Make a phone call to that new member.
but I keep putting it off.
Why am I holding back?
What am I afraid of?
There is a fear deep down inside.
It’s a little out of my comfort zone.
Do I have a fear of abundance?
It must be in there, so I don’t take action,
because if I took certain actions,
it might lead to abundance.
Then what?
How do I handle all that abundance?
I’m afraid, so I hold back.
I’m letting that way of thinking go now.
I’m letting that way of thinking go now.
I want this business to change my life.
I intend to make progress.
So what if some are not interested?
So what if I make some mistakes?
I will take One Action Today.
One Income Producing Action.
I know I will feel stronger with each action I take.
More confident with each action I take.
One action will lead to another, then another.
I get better with each action.
Most of the learning is accomplished through action.
I’m moving forward with each action I take.
Making progress every day.
Facing my fears with each action and
feeling more and more confident about making progress.
I’m showing up to work.
I am releasing my fears and taking action. One action at a time.
I am looking forward to Taking One Action Step.
I know it’s okay to have abundance.
I delight in having abundance.
I love having abundance.
I love taking action.
I love taking action.
I love being of service.
I am Joyfully allowing abundance.
Gratefully allowing abundance.
Knowing that I deserve it.
I am joyfully and gratefully taking inspired action.

Take a deep breath.

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Release, Valor, Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Field.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT