Do you ever have those days when you feel like throwing in the towel? You find yourself wondering, “Is all this really worth the effort?” “Will this ever get easier?”

Yea, I know how that feels. There were many days, especially in the early days of building my network marketing business that I felt like giving up. I had doubts about my ability to get it done. I saw some people build their business really fast but I was at the mercy of my moods, which were up and down. The problem is, the Law of Attraction is always at work in your life. Your success in network marketing depends on your allowing abundance. Whatever you are focusing on, with emotion, is what you will attract.

Daily EFT can help keep your thoughts and emotion in a positive, attracting energy. Try the EFT Tapping Script below when you have days when you are wondering if it is worth the effort or you are feeling like giving up.

EFT for Network Marketing Success
You can use any Essential Oil Blends on your fingertips as you tap through the points. Here are a few good ones:
Abundance, Field, Motivation, Highest Potential, Magnify Your Purpose, Release
My personal favorite oil to use with this issue is Field. Field oil blend is one of the Oola oils and is for growing in your chosen field.

Even though I don’t know if this is worth all the effort, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m not really sure I can do this business, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I feel like giving up, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

I feel like giving up.
I’m not sure all this hard work is really worth it.
I feel like giving up.
This seems so HARD.
So much work.
Prospecting and following up.
Growing and leading a large team.
I’m probably never going to succeed anyway.
I might as well just quit.
Sometimes I just want to quit.
It’s too hard.
It’s taking too long.
I’m losing faith.
I have all these doubts.
Why bother?
Am I just kidding myself?
I feel like giving up.
I feel like throwing in the towel.
Is it really worth the effort?

EFT for Network Marketing Success
I choose to let go of all this need to give up.
Clearing all the doubt.
Releasing all of this self doubt.
I DO have what it takes to succeed.
Releasing ALL of the doubts about that.
Clearing them at a cellular level.
Clearing these doubts from every fiber of my being.

Is it really worth the effort?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I know it’s worth the effort.
I know people who have done it.
I know people who have time and financial FREEDOM,
and I want that too!
I am allowing myself to be clear about what’s really worth the effort.
Allowing myself to be clear about what is for my highest good, and I choose to stick with it.
I choose to feel good about sticking with it.
There have been times when I did stick with things.
I am going to stick with this!
There are rewards for sticking to this business.
I deserve those rewards.
I remember WHY I am building my business.
I am visualizing it daily.
I am allowing myself to achieve that.
I love knowing that this is SO WORTH THE EFFORT!
I love knowing that I can do this.
I am so grateful for all the prosperity in my life.

Take a deep breath.

Order Young Living Essential Oil Blends Here

Order Young Living Essential Oil Blends to use with EFT.

It’s always a good idea to do a little EFT before doing any business, especially prospecting. You need to have a good energy while doing anything business related. You need to raise your vibration. Never prospect when you are in a bad energy place.

People will be able to feel your energy. Don’t believe me? Have you ever noticed when a person is in a really bad mood? You can feel your own mood change. A sigh from someone near you can bring your energy down. Their energy is affecting you. You are affecting people with your energy. You MUST have a good ABUNDANT energy when doing business activities but especially when prospecting.

There are several essential oils that are really wonderful for raising your energy. Abundance essential oil blend by Young Living is the TOP oil blend I recommend for prospecting. Wear it like perfume but also, put a couple drops on your fingertips before you start tapping the EFT points.

If you have fear of speaking up, use a little Valor first, then tap through the points again using the Abundance oil.

Improve Your Vibration Before Prospecting

** Note: Do not get too worried about which points to tap on. You can say any of the phrases while tapping on any of the points. It’s why I love the Tap While You Gripe Technique. 😉 Just talk (or think) and tap.

Tapping on the Karate Chop point: repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your situation).

Even though I feel prospecting is a little scary, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.
Even though I don’t want to talk to people but know I want my business to grow, I accept who I am and how I feel right now.
Even though I am having a hard time approaching people, I choose to feel calm, confident and abundant before talking about my business.

Tapping through the points:
You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish.

I feel the pressure to talk to prospects.
I feel so anxious and need to do something now.
I want to grow my business.
I feel so nervous talking to people about my business.
I am afraid they will not want what I have to share with them.
Prospecting really stresses me out.
I don’t know what to say.
I feel myself holding back.

I choose to feel calm and confident.
I do know what to say because I have prepared a few things to say that will stir interest.
I intend to feel confident when talking to prospects.
I love my product and I love sharing it with people.
I love that network marketing has given me freedom in my life.
I know this business can really change people’s lives.
I love sharing the freedom of network marketing and my awesome product.

I love knowing we all deserve abundance.
I am prepared ahead of time with what I need to talk to new prospects.
I am confident with the words I have prepared and the marketing materials I always have with me.
Every time I have to step outside of my comfort zone I choose to feel confident doing it.
I enjoy making new contacts every day.
I appreciate the prosperity growing through my business.
I’m grateful for all the new opportunities for abundance.
I appreciate all the lessons I have learned.
I am so grateful for all the prosperity in my life.
I choose to feel energized and motivated.
I choose to feel calm and confident in everything I do.
I love the feeling of confidence and growing abundance as I am prospecting on a DAILY basis.
I am good at what I do.
I choose to find it easy to talk to prospects.
I choose to find it easy to make new contacts.
I choose to find it easy to pick up the phone.
I choose to find it easy to step out of my comfort zone.
I love what I am doing.
I choose to feel calm and confident all day, every day.

Essential Oil Blends that work well with this EFT Script:
Abundance, Motivation, Highest Potential, Into The Future, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Transformation, Valor.

EFT Points:

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

We often think it is fear of failure that is holding us back but, for most people, it is actually fear of success that gets in the way of success. You may be saying, “No way. I really want success.” The problem is, your subconscious may be saying the opposite. There is often one or more subconscious fears that are blocking the way.

fear-of-successSuccess brings change and that can be scary. We all feel more comfortable with what we are familiar with. It’s called a Comfort Zone. To be successful in anything, we need to step out of our comfort zone. This is especially true as we are working toward raising our rank to Diamond Level in Network Marketing. Lots of changes come as you rise through the ranks in your company. You want to get to Diamond but there is a fear of the unknown. What will be expected of you as the team gets larger and larger.

Fear of the unknown can cause you to subconsciously sabotage your success. Lots of fears come under the category of unknown. How will friends and family feel about your success? Will they be threatened by it? Will You lose friends?
Will you have to do things you don’t like? Example: speak in front of a large group.

Success in network marketing will mean an increase of income. That can trigger a host of subconscious fears. You may have an income set point that you have running in your subconscious. There can be a fear of having too much income that keeps you sabotaging your success. You may be saying, “No, I really want more income.” But these fears are running in your subconscious. They are conflicting with what you really want.

One sign that this is happening is that you find yourself procrastinating. Procrastination is a way we subconsciously sabotage our success.

We all have areas of our life where feel subconscious fears that show up as resistance. The tapping script below might help you shift some of those fears. In upcoming blog posts I will touch on some common fears that people have in their subconscious programming and some EFT scripts you can use to shift to a more confident state of mind.

Add a drop or two of your favorite Young Living Essential Oil Blend to your fingertips as you tap through the EFT script below. Here are a few ideas: Abundance, Believe, Dream Catcher, Highest Potential, Into The Future, Motivation, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Valor

Fear of the Unknown:

Tapping on the Karate Chop point:

    Even though I am afraid to move forward, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
    Even though I feel uncomfortable about changing, I accept my feelings and who I am.
    Even though I feel conflicted about success because I don’t know what changes will come, I choose to accept who I am today.

Tapping through the points:

    I am conflicted about becoming successful.
    It’s all so scary.
    So much change if I am successful with my network marketing business.
    I don’t know what that will feel like.
    It’s way out of my comfort zone.
    I know what to expect when I stay in my comfort zone.
    Change really scares me.
    It feels more comfortable to keep things as they are.
    I am afraid of the unknown.
    What will happen if I climb the ranks to Diamond?
    What will be expected of me?
    I am so used to my comfort zone.
    It feels save here in my comfort zone.
    I want success so much but I feel the resistance to the unknown changes that come with it.
    This fear of the unknown is causing me to sabotage success.

    But I really do want to be free of the constant struggle of earning a living.
    Have time and really live my life instead of struggle to make ends meet.
    I want to be home with my kids. (Or travel, or spend more time doing ________.)
    I want to have fun working from home and helping others build a freedom business with me.
    That’s really exciting.
    Nothing to be afraid of.
    I can release the fear of the unknown.
    I AM releasing the fear of the unknown.
    I AM releasing the fear of success.
    I am releasing my fear of change.
    Releasing all the ways I resist change.
    I’m releasing it from every cell in my body.

    I have changed a lot already over the years.
    I have enjoyed a lot of the changes I have made already.
    I am focusing on the fun I will be having.
    I am focusing on the new friends I will be making.
    I am focusing on all the people I will be able to help.
    I am enjoying my success.
    I am feeling safe and confident in my successful business.
    I am eagerly anticipating all the unknown pleasures that success will bring my way.

    I am enjoying success and all the changes that go with it.
    I am allowing myself to make positive changes.
    I am enjoying the changes that come with success.
    I am joyfully allowing my success and the change that comes with it.
    I am allowing myself to feel comfortable with the all changes that success brings.
    I am excited about the unknown changes that are coming with my success.
    I am grateful for the positive changes that come with my success.
    I am moving forward and embracing change in a calm and confident way!
    What fun success is bringing me.

Tap through this script as many times as needed. This is one you could tap every morning as you start your day.

You may want to read the article: 5 Tips to Make Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Easier

It is possible to build a successful network marketing business if you have ADD. You will have an extra challenge but it really can be done. I have a very successful leader in my downline who is an example. She is a Silver in Young Living and presently working towards Gold.

If you are are dealing with the challenge of ADD, you can do it too. It will take a little effort but if you direct that effort you can make things happen.

Generally there are things that you do on a daily basis that you may not want to do but they need to get done so you do them. You wash dishes, sweep the floors, clean the bathroom. Everyone has that. It’s part of life. If you have kids, you have to get them up, feed them and get them off to school.

Most people who have ADD are usually able to go to a job every day. On a JOB, you have a daily method of operation. If you want to keep your job and thus, earn a living, you must show up for work, not only that, you must arrive on time.

It is really important that you get a business mindset. Not realizing the importance of having a business mindset is one of the biggest reasons for failure in network marketing.

The trick is to find a way to get somewhat organized. Here are a few tips that may be helpful:

    1. Set Your Intent – This should be done every morning. Think about your WHY. You should know exactly why you are building your business. Reflect on this and then set your intent for the day. ASK: What do I want to accomplish today that will bring me closer to my goals?

    2. Keep A To Do List – Always have a To Do list and consult it often. to-do-listPrioritize. What are the most important things you need to get done today? Do those first.

    3. Have a Daily 10 Minute Routine – This is where you focus on things that MUST get done every day. Check and respond to email, Login to your Virtual Office, Welcome new members, Read email newsletters from upline. These are also things you do on days when you know you won’t be spending a lot of time on business.

    4. Set Time Limits – This is important. Set aside a set time to do certain tasks without interruption. Turn off phone, email and any other distractions and focus on the task.
    For example: If you are a blogger, it is a good habit to write for at least 20 – 30 minutes a day. This gets you in the habit of writing and produces content that can be either published immediately or saved as drafts for future posts.

Use the EFT tapping clip below to help you focus on a success mindset and remember your WHY.

EFT Tapping Clip: I WILL Succeed In Network Marketing:

Do you ever have feelings of guilt in your network marketing business? Let’s face it, we all do from time to time. Things happen. You get overwhelmed and discouraged. That’s when the procrastination starts. It can become a negative, progress blocking cycle. That’s when the guilt sets in and you start emotionally beating yourself up.

You may feel like you let your leader or mentor down. You had plans to do something with the business but time you start feeling embarrassed because you feel like the upline leader is disappointed in your progress. If this proceeds for any length of time the guilt can grow bigger to the point where you feel stuck and maybe even like giving up.

Let me stop here and tell you that your upline has been there and cares about you and understands that you will have times when your productivity will drop. This happens. Never feel embarrassed. Call your upline and have a mastermind session.

Here are a few things that can cause that niggly guilt feeling:

    Not as consistent as I wanted to be.
    Didn’t talk to anyone about the business or products.
    Didn’t have brochures or other prospecting tools with me to share with people I talk to.
    Didn’t check my email.
    Didn’t promptly respond to someone’s request for more information.
    I haven’t followed up on leads.
    It’s been way too long since I posted on my blog.
    It’s been way too long since I made a video.
    I wasn’t as good at communicating with my downline as I should have been.
    Haven’t been listening to audios or doing training that will make me stronger.

The list could go on but you get the idea.

Guilt is very destructive for your business. It is a very negative emotion that blocks theRelease Guilt abundance energy. You want to be feeling an abundant and prosperous energy when you are conducting your daily business activities, especially prospecting and following up on leads. When you feel guilty you can start feeling depressed and then beating up on yourself emotionally. This can get into a downward spiral.

We all have it from time to time. Whenever you start feeling the guilt, STOP and Forgive yourself. Remember that we all have these feelings sometimes. We all mess up. We all have times when we don’t feel like following up on leads. We all have moments when we are not as communicative as we should be. It is those times we need to pick ourselves up and readjust to get back on track.

It is for those times that I wrote the EFT tapping script below. It’s an EFT script to help you release guilt feelings and help you re-energize.

I like to use Release essential oil blend while tapping on the negative feelings, then shift to any of the more uplifting, motivating oils on the positive section. Put a couple drops on your fingertips and tap tap tap. 🙂

EFT Tapping on Releasing Guilt:

Even though I am feeling so guilty about not ____(following up on leads)_, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I have all this guilt about things I haven’t done for my business, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I am feeling guilt, I choose to forgive myself, release the guilt and move confidently forward.

    Round One: Focusing on the Feelings (Release oil blend is good during the negative tapping section)

    (eyebrow) I am feeling guilt about not doing things I know will grow my business.
    (side of eye) I know I should be ____________.
    (under eye) These guilt feelings are really getting me down.
    (nose) I can’t stop thinking about it but I can’t seem to get some of these things done.
    (chin) I will never be able to do these things perfectly.
    (collarbone) I see distributors progressing so quickly and I have been poking along slowly.
    (under arm) I am disappointed in myself.
    (head) It feels like I am dragging a heavy weight everywhere I go.

    (eyebrow) I can’t seem to stop punishing myself about things
    (side of eye) I feel just terrible.
    (under eye) My inaction is really causing me pain and guilt.
    (nose) I am so disappointed in myself for not doing ___________.
    (chin) I let myself down.
    (collarbone) Feeling so disappointed in myself.
    (under arm) I really need to release this guilt.
    (head) Guilt doesn’t help me progress toward my goals.

    (Stop here and take notice how high your level of guilt feels. What does the negative feeling feel like on a scale of 0-10? If it’s not at a 0 you can do a few more rounds on the previous sections until you get all the negative feeling released.)

    Round Two: Shift and Implant Positive

    (eyebrow) I have decided to forgive myself for messing up.
    (side of eye) I know everyone makes mistakes.
    (under eye) Even the Crown Diamond distributors make mistakes.
    (nose) I am forgiving myself for not _____________.
    (chin) It’s ok to be off my game once in a while.
    (collarbone) I just don’t need to be feeling this guilt.
    (under arm) Releasing and letting go all the guilt from every cell in my body.
    (head) Releasing the guilt and forgiving myself.

    (eyebrow) I release the guilt and move forward toward my goals.
    (side of eye) Letting it go.
    (under eye) I choose to forgive myself.
    (nose) Releasing and letting go all the guilt from every cell in my body.
    (chin) I am no longer beating up on myself.
    (collarbone) I choose to feel comfortable and confident in my success.
    (under arm) I choose to move forward.
    (head) I choose to readjust my efforts and make progress toward my goals.

    (eyebrow) I am charging forward like a Rhinoceros.
    (side of eye) I am confident and energized.
    (under eye) I am motivated and charging forward toward my success.
    (nose) I feel so much lighter remembering that even the Crown Diamond distributors make mistakes too but they still got to Crown Diamond.
    (chin) That feels so much better.
    (collarbone) I choose to feel comfortable and confident in my success.
    (under arm) I feel free and energized.
    (head) I AM confident, motivated and loving what I do.

Essential Oil Blends: Release, Acceptance, Abundance, Into The Future, Motivation, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Valor
