Marketing systems, tools and training are important for success in network marketing but the most important success tool is your thinking.

Three mistakes That Can Shipwreck Your Network Marketing Business

1. Not Taking Personal Development and Self-esteem Building Seriously: If you don’t have a love for yourself and a strong self-esteem, you will NOT care enough to do what it takes to build a business that actually earns income. You will not care enough about your dreams to make things happen. This may sound a little funny to some but it’s really important.

Jim Rohn said, “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

Without personal development, you won’t build confidence and self-esteem in yourself and your business. Your prospects will pick up on that.

If you have a love for yourself you will invest in your life plan. Network marketing is an industry that has a high failure rate. That’s not because the business model is bad, it’s because people jump in with dreams of making a lot of money but they don’t realize they need to invest in their success. Investing not only time but money. Yes, I said money! Invest in training books, audios and courses. Things that help you grow your skills, and yes, that includes building self-esteem. As you get more training and skills, your self-esteem and confidence grows.

2. Focusing on the Wrong Things: Fear of failure is one of the big obstacles distributors struggle with. We all deal with it to some degree but we must focus on the right things if we want to get where we want to go. Don’t focus on every temporary setback and bump in the road. Focus on what you want to achieve, the road ahead of you, keeping the goal or your WHY in mind.

Think of it like driving a car and going on vacation at the ocean. When you drive your car anywhere you are looking at the road ahead but you are looking in the distance, not at every bump or pothole in the road. If you spend too much time looking at the bumps and holes on the surface of the road, you can end up missing something really big. You can even end up in a ditch. While you will notice holes and bumps, you aren’t looking at them with full attention. You just notice enough to make corrections in your course, all the while keeping your attention on the goal ahead of you: Your arrival at the ocean and enjoying a wonderful vacation.

Your business is similar. Focus on what you want to achieve in your business and your WHY! Don’t let the bumps along the way derail you.

3. Letting Negative People In Your Life Derail Your Success: This one sort of goes along with the previous one. These negative people can be a bump in the road. Are you going to let them derail your success? This is why it is SUPER IMPORTANT to attend as many network marketing and company events as possible. Some events require us leaving the house but many are available to us through conference calls and webinars. These events keep us going and act like an antidote to the poison of negative people. Negative people can poison our dreams and make us give up.

I’m just like you. I have had to deal with negative people. In the beginning it was a real challenge. My own husband was negative. He didn’t believe we could build a business. Back then I was “spending too much time on the computer.” Today he’s delighted I worked hard on the business. He works with me from home.

I remember one relative telling us to “Quit selling herbs and get a real job.”

We all have negative people in our life. These people love us and they think they are helping but they unknowingly poison our dreams if we let them. We can’t let them do that. Our diligent attention to personal development can help us remain strong and focused on our goals. Hanging around successful people will help offset the negative energy and help keep our vision in view.

Network marketing is an awesome business. Keep moving forward and never give up.

At first glance perfectionism seems like a good thing. We all want to do things well but in reality perfectionism is killing the progress in many network marketers business.

I hear it all the time. “I can’t start selling the products until I learn more.” I don’t know enough to build a business.” “I don’t know how to be a leader yet.”

I have heard all kinds of reasons why people can’t build their business yet. It is the number one reason people give me as to why they don’t want to start writing a blog. They don’t feel like they know enough so they will wait until they know more.

Funny thing that happens when you wait until you know enough. You never seem to get to that point. There will ALWAYS be more to learn. Our fears can keep us stuck in a state of analysis paralysis. There is no perfect person on the planet! We are all human and we WILL make mistakes.

I love that quote by Joe Schroeder, “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it GOING!” The way to get anywhere is to start from where you are right now and learn as you go.

Here is the key:

Learn things –> Share what you learned! –> Repeat –> Learn things –> Share!

If you are writing a newsletter or a blog, you can share things you are learning. Share things that will benefit other people. There are many people in need of the things you have learned. Even if you are a brand spanking new distributor, you can start writing a blog.

Writing a blog and building a list is one really powerful way to build your business. It’s absolutely HUGE in importance, especially if you have any plan to do any online marketing.

Once you begin writing your blog, don’t be so worried about getting it perfect. Just get it going. 😉

I know how easily you can get caught up in details and perfectionism. It’s something I have struggled with over the years in my business. When you find yourself stalled because of trying to get things just right, remind yourself of Joe’s words.

You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it GOING!

You also may want to try the EFT Tapping Session below to help clear feelings of needing things to be perfect. I love EFT for this kind of thing. It really helps me get back on track. Believe me, I use EFT all the time to deal with stresses of business and life in general. It’s a tool I am grateful someone shared with me and I hope you benefit as much as I have.

EFT Tapping Clip – It Has To Be Perfect

YL Members: I am using Acceptance Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script: It Has To Be Perfect EFT tapping script

When we begin our network marketing business we have a picture in mind of where we want to go. For some it is a little extra money to cover the cost of the products or supplement their income. For others, the picture is one of freedom: Freedom of time or freedom financially.

Network Marketing with PostureOur excitement over the possibilities can make us a little too eager to convince people to join us. We want them to get inspired like we are. The problem, if we are not careful is that, in our excitement, we can appear like a beggar. To our prospect, it may sound like, “Please, Please, Please join my company with me.”

That is not the message we want to give off in our communication with people. We want to talk to people from a position of confidence and posture.

Let go of the stress about the outcome. Approach conversations about your business or product as though you don’t care whether they join you or not. Remember, Some will, Some Won’t, So What! NEXT!

This is a very important principal in the Law of Attraction. When you are stressed about the outcome and needing people to join and buy products, you actually repel the business you want to attract. You want to project an image people are attracted to. People follow success and strength, not failure and weakness. Communicate from an energy of strength and confidence.

When you seem to play a little hard to get, it can actually cause curiosity and cause people to ask more questions. Here is one particular example that really sticks in my mind:

I was on a shuttle at the Columbus Ohio airport heading from the parking lot toward the place where you check in luggage. I used to be extremely fearful of flying. By the way, I used EFT to remove that fear and actually enjoy flying now.

At the time I was so fearful of flying, all I could focus on was my fear. I had a “Don’t even talk to me” attitude. This guy on the shuttle asked where we were going. I responded in a short no info response, “To a business convention.” He asked what kind of business. I briefly said it was a convention for distributors of therapeutic grade essential oils. The guy started asking questions about essential oils. I answered his questions very briefly, the whole time wishing he would stop talking to me.

Over the years I have noticed a pattern. When I drop a few comments and run, I often have people chasing me with more questions. When I was desperately wanting someone to see why they should join with me, they rarely joined.

There is something that happens to your posture when you aren’t feeling desperate for people to join. It doesn’t matter. Some will and some won’t.

One way to help develop confidence and posture is to build self-esteem. Personal development is of prime importance to professional network marketers. Building your confidence and leadership skills contribute to having a good posture.

Listening to audios and webinars, reading books, attending company events are some ways to build your skills and posture. Hanging out with and learning from people who have built a successful network marketing business is the best way to build confidence and posture.

As you are doing the personal development and learning skills that increase posture and confidence, why not do some EFT sessions to enhance the process. Try the EFT session below.

EFT Tapping Clip – I Choose Confidence

YL Members: I am using Valor Oil Blend. See the printable script for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script: I Choose Confidence EFT tapping script

What have you found helpful in your own business? Leave a comment and tell me what helps you have more posture.

WHOA!! Put on the brakes. There is a big MINDSET problem that plagues a lot of network marketers. It is an Employee Mindset and it MUST be addressed.

Employee MindsetIf you are serious about building a successful network marketing business, you must get out of the Employee Mindset and start functioning like a business owner.

As a independent distributor you are CEO of your own company. It’s a serious business.

If you want to earn a serious income, it is important that you stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like an ENTREPRENEUR! Start every day with that in mind until it becomes second nature. Each day ask yourself, “What would the entrepreneur do today to grow his business?

You MUST break free of Employee Mindset if you want to build a serious income. You also need to be able to recognize Employee Mindset so you can change any patterns that you may have developed that lean in that direction.

Here are a few examples . . .

Employee Mindset trades time for dollars and most do the minimum required. Some even delight at wasting time while the boss isn’t looking. “Hey, they pay by the hour and nobody is watching, I’ll sneak in a little Bejeweled or talk with co-workers about favorite TV shows.”

The Entrepreneur Mindset knows that time is a most important asset and is not to be squandered. He knows that the amount of income he earns depends on the daily actions he performs. He never just shows up and does a minimal amount of work.

The Employee Mindset waits for someone to tell them what to do. They act on what the boss tells them what to do and they expect to get paid whether the project succeeds or fails.

Entrepreneur has to do the thinking and knows that success or failure depends on what they DO. To make sure they are successful and thus GET PAID, they do the research, learn the skills they need, do the advertising. They find out what needs to be done and then they take ACTION.

When they see something isn’t working, they find out why and then make adjustments until it IS working.

Employee Mindset usually has their money spent before it is in their hands.
Entrepreneur knows that the time and money they spend is an investment in their future. They are willing to put in the time, knowing that it will be GROWING into something substantial.

Employee Mindset gets scared when the economy is down and retreats to the illusion of job security.

Entrepreneur sees the opportunity is increasing since more people need what we have to offer.

And . . .

Since the ones with Employee Mindset fled the scene, there will be less competition.

Each day, as you are doing the days tasks, keep the Entrepreneur Mindset before you.

Now here is a little trick: As you are keeping in the Entrepreneur Mindset, remember ONE thing about being an employee. Have set times where you SHOW UP to do focused work.

Sometimes working from home can be a curse if you don’t have the discipline to get things done. For that, I recommend a daily plan of action or a “To Do List” and pretend you are an employee. The difference here is that you work for yourself! 😉

On a side note: As you probably know I love to talk about self-esteem. Well, getting this Entrepreneur Mindset is great for your self-esteem. As you go through this process and build your business, your self-esteem grows. That in turn helps you get better at growing your business.

Visualization is an important key to success in reaching goals. If you want to be successful in anything, especially for success in network marketing, you need to see yourself in the future as the success you intend. You need to see yourself achieving your goals. Not only see yourself successful but also to get to the feeling of success.

Close your eyes and start to think about your goal. Tell a story in your mind or pretend you are watching a movie but instead of just watching the movie, step into the movie and become part of it. What does it look like? How does it feel? Picture yourself achieving it and living as though you have already attained it. Try to get as many details as you can.

Now, as you are visualizing, tap the EFT points. It doesn’t really matter which points. Just tap points as you visualize.

Do this EFT visualization exercise every day. One thing I notice when I do visualization this way is that the images get stronger each time. I find this especially helpful when I have trouble visualizing.

Visualization is a very important tool for your success. Adding EFT powerfully accelerates the whole visualization process.

Give it a try. Hey, it’s FREE. What if it works for you?