focusKeeping focused on the road ahead. When you are driving your car toward a destination, you need to keep focused on the road ahead. You have laid out the path to the destination and you start your journey toward your goal.

You look in the rear view mirror briefly but you don’t spend too much time looking at what is behind you. If you did that, you would run off the road and crash.

Another thing: you don’t spend too much time looking at the things beside you or around you. If you want to arrive safely at your destination, you keep focused on the road ahead. That way you see the bumps and potholes and anything that is going to slow or hinder you in your journey. Sometimes you may come across a detour and may need to make an adjustment to your route but you still have your destination in mind and you are still focused ahead on the goal.

Now think about the driving illustration as you work toward your goals. This principal applies to any goals we are working on. It could be spiritual goals, weight loss goals, exercise and fitness goals, business goals or pretty much anything we are working toward. Since this blog is primarily to help you as a network marketer, we will focus on business goals.

The first thing you need to do is figure out where you want to go in your business. Your WHY! For me it was FREEDOM. Freedom from the daily grind of having to go to a job that I really didn’t enjoy, just to make ends meet. Life is too short to waste doing that. Also Financial Freedom was a part of it.

Most network marketers start their business with the idea of some kind of freedom that building a home business can help you achieve. Whether you are thinking that an income on the side that would supplement your monthly income or whether you intend to grow a business that can fully support your family, the same principle applies. You have to keep your goal in mind and your eyes on the road ahead.

You will occasionally look in the rear view mirror to see things behind. You can learn from things that happened in the past, both good and bad. You must not spend too long dwelling on the past. If you do, you have taken your eyes off the road. This is especially a problem if we have things we feel bad about and wish we had done differently. We can end up beating up on ourselves and wasting time. Dieters often have this problem. A bad eating day can result in going days before getting back on track. Just acknowledge it and say, “Yup, I messed that up. Now I’m focusing on the future!”

As you are driving a car, there will be things that happen around you. You have someone in the car with you, you see beautiful scenery along the road, passing interesting locations you might like to check out or any number of distractions. The same is true as you are driving toward your business goals. There will be all kinds of distractions along the way.

There are several times during the year when when distributors can be tempted to take a leave of absence from their business. Summertime and holiday seasons are good examples. There are always going to be distractions. It is very unwise to take your focus off your goals during the summer or other seasons of partying. You can still have fun doing summer vacation things but never take your focus off your goals. There are plenty of opportunities to advance your business during the summer or other busy times.

You can stay in marketing mode even when having fun doing other things.

Never forget your your destination. That is why it is imperative to set goals, map out a plan to get there and then STAY FOCUSED on the road ahead. Always remember your WHY. Each morning ask yourself, “What can I do today that will help me to move closer to my goals?”

Those of you who are using Young Living Oils, you have several helpful oils that can help you keep focused on your goals. A few examples are: Magnify Your Purpose, Abundance, Frankincense, Envision, Clarity, Motivation, Dream Catcher.

Use oils with EFT to help you get focused on what you want to accomplish in your business. Remember and focus on your WHY.

Here is an EFT Tapping to Rev Up Abundance Energy – Focus on your WHY – Your Network Marketing Mission

Add the oils to your fingertips and tap through the points. It really does not matter which points you tap. Just tap through the points focusing on the words and feelings.

Starting at eyebrow point:

I have a gift that can bring freedom for some and I would love to share it more
In these economic times people really need solutions.
Network marketing is a solution for me and many others.
It is a better way and I want to share it with more people.
Sometimes I’m afraid to share what I have.
I admit it, Sometimes I’m kind of a chicken.
I’m so worried about failing.
I worry too much about what people will think.

Sometimes I’d rather be invisible.
It’s easier in my comfort zone
Yes, it’s easier to hide and play it safe …
but I have played small long enough.
I’m sick of playing small!!
What I have is really great and can really help people, me included!
I choose to remember WHY I am building this business.
What kind of person would I be if I didn’t share this?
I am a walking reward for 10,000 people.
I am going for it now!
Even though I am afraid of failing
I’m NOT giving in!
This is MY time!
I’ve waited long enough.
I am going for it.
I want to share a solution and get paid well.

This is my time to shine.
and I really do want it.
I am stepping up in my mission.
Yes, it feels scary, but I am doing it anyway!
I am letting the universe know that I really do want this.
I am ready to help other people find their FREEDOM This is my mission
I am open and ready to receive more!
I am GOING for it! Yes I am!!

Take a deep breath.

You can tap along with the video if you like:

There is a book I love and I encourage everyone who is serious about the success of their network marketing business to read. Actually, there are several I recommend but the book I am talking about is, What to Say When You Talk to Your Self, by Shad Helmstetter

EFT For Network MarketersYour self talk has a powerful impact on your success in any endeavor but particularly when building your network marketing business. The words you are using all day long can either lift you or tear you down. Your self talk can either lift your mood or ruin it. Attract abundance or repel it.

It is important to release the negative emotions and keep the energy in a positive state. Your emotions affect your energy. Your ABUNDANCE attracting energy! They affect the way you do things in your business. The negative emotion affect the way you step up and talk to people. This is important because network marketing is a business where you talk to people.

Affirmations can be helpful in redirecting our thinking and self talk into a more positive abundance attracting energy. If you are having a bad day and you are feeling really negative, repeating affirmations can really shift your mood.

Add some power to your affirmations by tapping on the EFT points as you focus on the words. EFT is a wonderful tool to make your affirmations more effective and shift your energy to a more abundance attracting energy vibration. Add some essential oils and really power up your Affirmation Tapping even more. I like Abundance oil for business related Affirmation Tapping.

Make sure your affirmations are positive, NOT negative. For example: Rather than saying, “I am not attracting rude, grouchy distributors”, say, “I am attracting strong, confident, successful business builders who love the product.” Say whatever feels uplifting and empowering to your abundance.
Use the words, “I am” instead of “I will.” Saying, “I will” puts your goal off into the future. Instead of saying, “I will become Royal Crown Diamond” say, “I am building a Royal Crown Diamond team of distributors.”
Or, you could say, “I am Royal Crown Diamond.” If you have a little voice in your head disagreeing and saying, Ah, No you’re NOT!” Then word it like this, “I am attracting a Royal Crown Diamond team of distributors.”

A few ideas for Abundance Tapping:

    I am confident and I am loved
    I am confident and I am loving
    I am confident and I love it

    I am attracting a Royal Crown Diamond team.
    I LOVE that I am attracting strong, confident, successful business builders.
    I am GRATEFUL that abundance flows to me through my network marketing business.
    I am a very successful, magnetic leader.
    I am worthy of receiving ABUNDANCE.
    I am allowing great ABUNDANCE.
    Every CELL in my body is attracting ABUNDANCE.
    I am like a MAGNET attracting ABUNDANCE and I am radiating ABUNDANCE.
    I am a confident and successful leader.
    I am comfortable talking to people about Network Marketing.
    I am confident and successfully building my business.

Add Abundance oil or another essential oil to your fingertips before you begin tapping through the EFT Points.

The EFT PointsEFT For Network Marketers - Tapping Points

KC = Karate Chop
EB = Beginning of the Eye Brow
SE = Side of the Eye
UE = Under the Eye
UN = Under the Nose
Ch = Chin
CB = Beginning of the Collar Bone
UA = Under the Arm
WR = Inside of Wrists
TH = Top of Head

You can also tap the fingertip points. I sometimes tap these points discreetly when I am in public. Each finger can be tapped at the base of the nail.

Think of a positive affirmation that will help shift your energy to a more confident one. Tap each point repeating the affirmation as you tap each point. You can say multiple affirmations as you are tapping if you choose. While you are doing this, try to keep a smile on your face. There is something about smiling that super charges this process.

Always be aware of the words you use and how they impact your emotional and abundance energy.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

EFT Affirmation Tapping Attract Business Builders

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

Let’s talk about abundance and resistance. As we build our network marketing business, we need to be constantly aware of our energy. If you are like me, you want a business that you can work from home or anywhere you happen to be. You are building a residual income that will create a lifestyle of freedom.

If you are setting your monthly and long term goals and not attracting the abundance you want through your business, it is usually because there is too much “resistance” in your energy systems. This is why it is important to be aware of the resistance and release it so you can attract the abundance you want.

Resistance is any emotion, behavior or vibration that isn’t in alignment with what you want. Negative thoughts become negative emotions and vibrations that become resistance. Any negative emotion can become resistance. The negative emotions may not directly be about your business but they DO affect your ability to attract abundance.

Negative vibrations are sent when you are talking or thinking about about what you DON’T want or when you worry or complain, feel discouraged or fearful, etc. This is true when you are having negative feelings around the business but also when you are feeling negative about your current circumstances. If you hate your job and you really want to change things. If you are struggling financially and you really to build residual income to change your financial situation. This is a big one. This is what I was experiencing when I started building my network marketing business. I was tired of having to work crappy jobs and struggling to make ends meet. There was a LOT of stress over money. All of that stress made it really challenging to build my business.

Back then I did not know about the Law of Attraction. I did not know that every time I focused on the things I did NOT want, I was actually sending out negative vibrations attracting more of the same crap. That is really hard when there is not enough money to cover all the bills, or you need a new roof or whatever job needs to be done and you feel stressed out because you have no idea how you are going to get it all done. It’s the feelings of stress, frustration, discouragement, etc. that become resistance.

Every morning, stop and notice how you are feeling emotionally. Negative emotions cause resistance and blocks to abundance.

Some examples of emotions that cause resistance are: frustration, pessimism, resentment, anger, fear, anxiety, impatience and general stress. Resistant vibrations include: scarcity, worthiness issues, lack etc. In short, anything that puts you in a bad mood could be called resistance.

You will have negative emotions. We ALL have that. Stressful things happen. The key is not staying there too long. You MUST refocus and get in a better more abundance attracting vibration. Do something to get in a better emotional state. One of the most powerful abundance attracting emotions is gratitude.

EFT is a powerful way to release the resistance and allow abundance.

EFT Tapping to Release Resistance

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Release, Field, Valor.
Add a drop or two of essential oil to fingertips before tapping through the points.

While tapping the karate chop point on either hand, repeat these phrases, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

Tapping on the Karate Chop point:
Even though I have all this resistance, I deeply and completely accept myself
Even though I have all this resistance, I deeply and completely accept myself
Even though I have all this resistance, I deeply and completely accept myself

Start tapping through the points:

I can feel the resistance.
There is so much stress.
Paying bills
Paying bills
Paying bills (Use whatever words describe things you are stressing about)
With all that working,
It seems like we should have enough.
But there’s never enough.
This isn’t any fun.
All this working.
Never having time to do the things I want to do.
Never having the money to do what I want.
I am feeling the stress.
I feel scarcity and lack.
I feel the resistance.
It’s causing me to resist the thing that I really want.
I really want to change things.
I am building this business to change things.
But I can feel the resistance.
I set goals and I work hard,
but I have not been able to reach them.
I had the goal to enroll 5 new members this month,
but I didn’t reach my goal.
I do all kinds of prospecting but I can’t seem to get anywhere.
I can feel the resistance.
I need to clear that.
It’s time to let go of the resistance.
I’m letting it go.
I release all struggle and resistance.
Releasing all the resistance.
Releasing resistance to success in my business.
Releasing resistance in all areas of my life.
I release all feelings of scarcity.
Releasing the fear that there is never enough.
Releasing it from every cell in my body.
Releasing the stress of having to work all the time.
Releasing all the feelings of stress.
Releasing all the feelings of overwhelm.
Releasing all the feelings of fear.
Releasing the feelings of struggle around reaching my goals.
I am open and allowing my business to grow every month.
I am grateful I have this amazing opportunity to build a lifestyle of freedom.
I love our amazing products
and I love sharing the products that have changed my life.
I allow success in my life and my business.
I am open and allowing abundance to flow through my business and my life.
I’m ready and willing to receive abundance.
I am grateful for the abundance I already have.
I am allowing more abundance every day.
I am an abundance magnet!

Take a deep breath. It is always a good idea to drink some water when doing EFT.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT


There is one question I get asked a lot. New distributors ask it but even distributors who have been working a at their business for quite some time often ask, “What is the secret to success?”

That’s a good question. There are a lot of things involved in a successful network marketing business but the most important is summed up in 2 words.

“Get started.”

You may think that is overly simple but the sad fact is, most people never really get started building a successful network marketing business. They buy a starter kit but never do much else.

You want FREEDOM from the passion killing corporate grind, grow an income that will be there for supplemental or full time income for retirement years. That will not happen if you don’t get started BUILDING your business which involves marketing and promoting.

You have to figure out which ways to market and promote your business. Once you figure out those things, you need to use trial and error to test out what works for you. You may even find that you need to totally change directions. The thing is, you can’t change directions until you get moving. Think of driving a car. The car has to be moving before you can turn in any direction, whether a slight turn or a full turn.

One of my mentors used to say,
You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it GOING!

The way to get anywhere is to start from where you are right now and learn as you go. Prospecting and marketing = sales volume growth = income growth. Getting started involves getting your marketing materials together and getting to it. As you learn and practice, you get better and better, more and more comfortable.

Here’s and EFT Script to help you get motivated:

Apply 1 – 3 drops of Release oil on your fingertips, then tap on the Karate Chop Point with the oiled up fingertips. As you are tapping the EFT Points, you will have enough remaining oil to carry to all the other points.

While tapping the Karate Chop Point:
Even though I don’t know what to do , I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m stuck and don’t feel like doing anything, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I am feeling stuck and unmotivated, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

You can add something specific you need to do if you want. Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter what words you say on which points.

Round One: Focusing on the Negative Feelings

(eyebrow) I am feeling stuck and unmotivated.
(side of eye) I don’t know what to do.
(under eye) I just can’t seem to get started.
(nose) I know getting started is the key to success.
(chin) I know getting started with DAILY PROSPECTING is top priority.
(collarbone) I feel a little stressed out about that.
(under arm) I feel resistance to getting started.
(head) I can’t seem to get started.

(eyebrow) I don’t want to get it going.
(side of eye) Yes I DO want to get it going.
(under eye) I’m feeling a little stressed out about prospecting.
(nose) What if I just start moving?
(chin) I know just making a few steps forward will start some momentum.
(collarbone) I am releasing the fear of getting started.
(under arm) Releasing and letting go of the fear.
(head) Releasing it from every cell in my body.

Round Two: Implant Positive

(eyebrow) I choose to feel motivated to get started.
(side of eye) I choose to take steps forward and get momentum moving forward.
(under eye) I step into energy and motivation.
(nose) I choose to move forward one step at a time.
(chin) I feel good moving forward.
(collarbone) I choose to move get started in a way that feels even more motivating.
(under arm) I enjoy taking action.
(head) I choose to feel energized and motivated as I get started NOW.

Take a deep breath.

If you feel you need more work on this, run through the tapping a few more times. You may need to revisit this issue from time to time. We all have days when we need a reboot. 😉

Try EFT with Motivation oil when you need a little help getting motivated.

I recently had a person comment on one of my articles on fear of success. He thought it was absurd that someone would fear success. He said, “Everyone wants success.”

Well, that is true, everyone does want success but why is it that NOT EVERYONE is successful? The simple fact is, everyone has hidden fears about something. These hidden fears can cause resistance to success. Your subconscious mind is operating on another level and it might be sabotaging your success.

You want to be successful but you keep getting in your own way. I know how that feels. I have gone through periods of sabotage. EFT is the best way to clear it and get moving again. If you are serious about reducing sabotage, you will want to do some EFT every morning to get your mindset and vibrational energy in the abundance attracting side rather than repelling. If you are resisting, you are repelling whatever it is you want to attract.

Think about what you want.

    What does success in your network marketing business feel like?
    Picture yourself there.
    What is happening?
    What responsibilities will you have?
    How much money is coming in with your monthly commission check?
    What is the size of your team?
    What kind of leader are you?
    How many leaders do you have on your team?

As you think about each of these things, take notice of how you feel as you think about EACH ONE. If you get any negative feelings like nervousness, anxiety, fear, overwhelm, or anything negative, these are things that can become blocks. These blocks can cause you to fall into sabotaging behavior.

Do you ever find yourself “going down a rabbit hole” when you really intend to be working on income producing activities? You know what I mean. Those “SQUIRREL MOMENTS.” Those of you who saw the movie “UP” know what squirrel moments are. 😉

Anyway, You intend to do some prospecting, make some followup phone calls, write a blog post or some other business building activity but you see a drawer that needs to be cleaned out, a closet that needs organizing, dust bunnies, a little online research, a cat video on Facebook. You find yourself distracted and procrastinating. The time slips away and you didn’t get anything on your income producing activities list done.

I get it. I have those moments too. The key is, when you notice yourself falling into a squirrel moment or some other form of procrastination, stop and do some EFT!

Think about some of these possible hidden fears:

    New responsibilities
    People expect things of you
    There are lots of changes
    A lot of work involved
    I’ll have no time
    I don’t like calling people on the phone
    I don’t like talking to strangers
    Fear you won’t be able to do what it takes
    Fear of letting your spouse or family down

    Past issues
    You may have witnessed the toll success has taken on someone you know
    The way your parents talked about successful people
    Harsh judgments you witnessed other people doing to people who were successful

These are just a few examples. There are all kinds of things that come with success. Some of these things are scary but EFT is a great way to clear those negative feelings.

Below is a Tapping Script for those times when you are having a SQUIRREL MOMENT. I would use Valor and Acceptance oil with this one. You could do some rounds with Magnify Your Purpose oil. More on those oils here.

Click to enlarge Tapping Points Image:

Even though I am having another SQUIRREL MOMENT, I deeply love and accept myself
Even though I am going down a rabbit hole, I deeply love and accept myself
Even though I am sabotaging my success with all of the SQUIRREL MOMENTS, I deeply love and accept myself

Another squirrel moment.
I keep getting distracted.
Going down another rabbit hole.
It’s just my way of procrastinating,
and procrastinating is sabotage.
I don’t know why I am procrastinating.
I know procrastination and sabotage are based in fear.
What is it I am afraid of?
Am I afraid of success?
It would be a BIG CHANGE.
Lots of new leadership responsibilities.
I feel responsible for my team members success.
It will be overwhelming.
People will want more of my time and attention.
I will be WAY outside of my comfort zone.
Afraid I will let people down.
I don’t want to be judged.
(Fill in any fears you are aware of)
I’m handling about all I can do right now,
If I take action and succeed,
I’m going to have to handle a whole lot more
That seems too overwhelming.
I am resisting success but I want success.
I know this sabotage is coming from my subconscious.
I want success but I keep sabotaging.
I am afraid I won’t be able to do this.

I’m getting older and I feel like life is passing by.
All I do is work, come home and fix dinner, Sleep, Work and Repeat.
Over and over again work, come home and fix dinner, Sleep, Work and Repeat.
Is this all there is to life?
Am I going to have to work all my life and never really have a LIFE?!
I want to do this network marketing business so I can change all of that.
I want to work from home doing something I LOVE.
I want FREEDOM to do what I want, when I want!
I’m so DONE with being a compulsive clock watcher!
Counting the minutes until I can go home!
I want both time and financial FREEDOM!

I am releasing the fear of stepping outside of my comfort zone.
My LIFE is at stake here!
A life I enjoy! Not a live of slavery to the time clock!
I am releasing the habit of putting things off.
Releasing and clearing at a cellular level.
Going back to my past, where I got the message that success was not safe for me.
Maybe it came from a past experience where some success I had came with negative consequences.
Releasing and clearing at a cellular level.
Letting go of the fear!
Letting go of the SQUIRREL MOMENTS!
I am releasing the habit of procrastination.
Letting go of the fear of what will happen.
Release and let go of the fear of taking action.

I choose to feel safe and confident in my action.
I choose to get moving.
I am stepping out of my comfort zone.
I choose to move forward one step at a time.
I feel good moving forward.
I enjoy taking action.
I feel good moving forward.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I have the power to change my life.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I have the power to change my life
I am celebrating change and transition.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I feel confident about becoming successful.
I choose to achieve success,
and show others that they can do it too.
Being successful is a much better way to do this!
I can handle it!
I am attracting an ABUNDANT LIFE!

I rarely do EFT without using some oils to enhance the tapping. If you would like to really power up your tapping, check out the EFT Oils.