Do you ever feel STUCK in your business? You set goals with the intent to reach them but it seems like it’s a constant struggle.

We all feel stuck sometimes. You know what I mean. Progress seems to stop or be going really slowly. Stuck at a rank for what seems like a long time without seeing progress towards the next rank, or stuck at an income that is nowhere near the amount you have set as your goal.

I know what it is like to be stuck at the same rank for years. I knew I was stuck. I wanted to move to the next rank and I was OK with that for way too long. I actually knew why I was stuck. It was fears around what would happen if I advanced to Diamond. What would be expected of me? How big a change? Will I have any free time?

Whenever you are stuck or finding yourself in a procrastination loop, it is ALWAYS because of an underlying fear. I have had people respond that they don’t have fear about reaching their goal. “I want to get to Diamond” or “I want to earn a 6 figure income.” The problem is, they are not progressing. If you are not making progress, there is something blocking your goals. Underlying fears cause procrastination and other sabotage behaviors. If you find yourself having a lot of “squirrel moments” or going down rabbit holes that distract you from income producing activity, there is a subconscious fear blocking your progress.

Do you know WHY you are stuck?

I didn’t know why I was stuck but once I started noticing my feelings and asking the right questions, I began to realize which underlying fears were getting in my way. Once I realized the “downside” to reaching my goal, I could start working on it with EFT.

We all have things going on in our subconscious that can turn into blocks. If you have been a distributor in a company for any length of time there will be a few dissatisfied customers or distributors. Yup, it will happen. Some people will test your patience. Some will even start a vicious cycle of drama when they feel they have been wronged. It happened to me and it was a very hard time to go through. It was easy to spot the blocks that came up from that event. It threw me into protection mode. Never again was I going to allow someone to put me in a spot where they could hurt me that way. It affected my business building. I was angry and it overflowed into everything I was doing. I started doing busy work instead of income producing activity and got stuck in a pattern of procrastination and sabotage. I was STUCK!

The problem is, when your subconscious is protecting you, it is actually putting a halt to your progress. It means well but it’s not really helping.

We all have this subconscious protection going on. It could be something really simple. You could have had some embarrassing thing happen as a child and something today reminds you of it. The trick is asking the right questions to help you realize what underlying fears are getting in your way.

Ask yourself, “What is the downside of getting to your goal?” There could be a LOT of little things that go in the downside column.

Will I have to speak in front of people?
Will I have people constantly wanting things from me?
Will I have a moments peace from people contacting me with questions, complaining, solving problems, etc.?
Will I have time for myself?
Will I be able to help my team be successful?
Will I become a target for people with bad motives?
What will my friends and family think of my goals?

There are lots of things that could be going on in your subconscious. Ask the questions and then tap on any negative issues.

Here is a little tapping on being stuck. You can change the words to anything that feels right. It doesn’t matter what points you tap. Just tap and talk through whatever comes up.

Focus in on your feelings around reaching your income or rank goal.

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Valor, Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Release, Field.
Add a drop or two of essential oil to fingertips before tapping through the points.

While tapping the karate chop point on either hand, repeat these phrases, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

Even though I know I am stuck, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Even though I’m so tired of being stuck, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Even though I really want to get to the next goal but I am stuck and sabotaging progress, I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Tap through the points:

I am stuck.
Not making any real progress
It feels so frustrating when I am stuck.
I wish I could just reach my goals quickly like some people do.
I’m not even sure why I am stuck.
I know there is some fear blocking me.
Somewhere inside I am protecting myself from something.
I don’t feel comfortable with success so I sabotage myself.
For some reason I keep sabotaging my success.
I just can’t seem to get unstuck.
I am resisting success but I want success.
I don’t know why I keep sabotaging myself.
I want success but I can’t seem to get unstuck.
This issue keeps coming up.
I make a few steps forward but then something stops me and gets me stuck again.
I am ready to release the emotional attachment to being stuck.
I release the emotional attachment to staying stuck.
I am ready to look at the real reasons I have been staying stuck and making very slow progress.
I release the emotional attachment to being stuck.
I release the emotional attachment to blocking my progress.
I release the emotional attachment to sabotaging my progress.
I release the emotional attachment to slowing down my progress.
I release the emotional attachment to blocking my goals.
I release the emotional attachment to resisting success.
I am letting go of the fear.
I am releasing the need to protect myself from the unknown.
Letting go of the fear of what will happen.
Release and let go of the fear of success.

I choose to feel safe and confident in my success.
I deserve success.
I choose to feel comfortable reaching my biggest goals.
I forgive myself for the times I was stuck.
I feel good moving forward.
I AM the power to change my life.
I am celebrating progress and reaching my goals.
I comfortable and safe making progress and reaching my goals.
I am excited about the progress and the changes I am making.

Take a deep breath.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

I recently had a person comment on one of my articles on fear of success. He thought it was absurd that someone would fear success. He said, “Everyone wants success.”

Well, that is true, everyone does want success but why is it that NOT EVERYONE is successful? The simple fact is, everyone has hidden fears about something. These hidden fears can cause resistance to success. Your subconscious mind is operating on another level and it might be sabotaging your success.

You want to be successful but you keep getting in your own way. I know how that feels. I have gone through periods of sabotage. EFT is the best way to clear it and get moving again. If you are serious about reducing sabotage, you will want to do some EFT every morning to get your mindset and vibrational energy in the abundance attracting side rather than repelling. If you are resisting, you are repelling whatever it is you want to attract.

Think about what you want.

    What does success in your network marketing business feel like?
    Picture yourself there.
    What is happening?
    What responsibilities will you have?
    How much money is coming in with your monthly commission check?
    What is the size of your team?
    What kind of leader are you?
    How many leaders do you have on your team?

As you think about each of these things, take notice of how you feel as you think about EACH ONE. If you get any negative feelings like nervousness, anxiety, fear, overwhelm, or anything negative, these are things that can become blocks. These blocks can cause you to fall into sabotaging behavior.

Do you ever find yourself “going down a rabbit hole” when you really intend to be working on income producing activities? You know what I mean. Those “SQUIRREL MOMENTS.” Those of you who saw the movie “UP” know what squirrel moments are. 😉

Anyway, You intend to do some prospecting, make some followup phone calls, write a blog post or some other business building activity but you see a drawer that needs to be cleaned out, a closet that needs organizing, dust bunnies, a little online research, a cat video on Facebook. You find yourself distracted and procrastinating. The time slips away and you didn’t get anything on your income producing activities list done.

I get it. I have those moments too. The key is, when you notice yourself falling into a squirrel moment or some other form of procrastination, stop and do some EFT!

Think about some of these possible hidden fears:

    New responsibilities
    People expect things of you
    There are lots of changes
    A lot of work involved
    I’ll have no time
    I don’t like calling people on the phone
    I don’t like talking to strangers
    Fear you won’t be able to do what it takes
    Fear of letting your spouse or family down

    Past issues
    You may have witnessed the toll success has taken on someone you know
    The way your parents talked about successful people
    Harsh judgments you witnessed other people doing to people who were successful

These are just a few examples. There are all kinds of things that come with success. Some of these things are scary but EFT is a great way to clear those negative feelings.

Below is a Tapping Script for those times when you are having a SQUIRREL MOMENT. I would use Valor and Acceptance oil with this one. You could do some rounds with Magnify Your Purpose oil. More on those oils here.

Click to enlarge Tapping Points Image:

Even though I am having another SQUIRREL MOMENT, I deeply love and accept myself
Even though I am going down a rabbit hole, I deeply love and accept myself
Even though I am sabotaging my success with all of the SQUIRREL MOMENTS, I deeply love and accept myself

Another squirrel moment.
I keep getting distracted.
Going down another rabbit hole.
It’s just my way of procrastinating,
and procrastinating is sabotage.
I don’t know why I am procrastinating.
I know procrastination and sabotage are based in fear.
What is it I am afraid of?
Am I afraid of success?
It would be a BIG CHANGE.
Lots of new leadership responsibilities.
I feel responsible for my team members success.
It will be overwhelming.
People will want more of my time and attention.
I will be WAY outside of my comfort zone.
Afraid I will let people down.
I don’t want to be judged.
(Fill in any fears you are aware of)
I’m handling about all I can do right now,
If I take action and succeed,
I’m going to have to handle a whole lot more
That seems too overwhelming.
I am resisting success but I want success.
I know this sabotage is coming from my subconscious.
I want success but I keep sabotaging.
I am afraid I won’t be able to do this.

I’m getting older and I feel like life is passing by.
All I do is work, come home and fix dinner, Sleep, Work and Repeat.
Over and over again work, come home and fix dinner, Sleep, Work and Repeat.
Is this all there is to life?
Am I going to have to work all my life and never really have a LIFE?!
I want to do this network marketing business so I can change all of that.
I want to work from home doing something I LOVE.
I want FREEDOM to do what I want, when I want!
I’m so DONE with being a compulsive clock watcher!
Counting the minutes until I can go home!
I want both time and financial FREEDOM!

I am releasing the fear of stepping outside of my comfort zone.
My LIFE is at stake here!
A life I enjoy! Not a live of slavery to the time clock!
I am releasing the habit of putting things off.
Releasing and clearing at a cellular level.
Going back to my past, where I got the message that success was not safe for me.
Maybe it came from a past experience where some success I had came with negative consequences.
Releasing and clearing at a cellular level.
Letting go of the fear!
Letting go of the SQUIRREL MOMENTS!
I am releasing the habit of procrastination.
Letting go of the fear of what will happen.
Release and let go of the fear of taking action.

I choose to feel safe and confident in my action.
I choose to get moving.
I am stepping out of my comfort zone.
I choose to move forward one step at a time.
I feel good moving forward.
I enjoy taking action.
I feel good moving forward.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I have the power to change my life.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I have the power to change my life
I am celebrating change and transition.
I know what I need to do and I am getting it done.
I feel confident about becoming successful.
I choose to achieve success,
and show others that they can do it too.
Being successful is a much better way to do this!
I can handle it!
I am attracting an ABUNDANT LIFE!

I rarely do EFT without using some oils to enhance the tapping. If you would like to really power up your tapping, check out the EFT Oils.

I was reading a newsletter from The Tapping Solution and I thought you would benefit from the information. The article was written by Nick Ortner on releasing the negative emotions that come from incidents that happened in our childhood or even the not so distant past.

Nick tells about an incident from his past and about how to use the Movie Technique. I often use this technique when doing visualization but this is a great way to release negative feelings about things that happened in the past.

Nick’s article got me thinking about embarrassing situations that happened in the past that could contribute to feeling uncomfortable in the spotlight of leadership. Do you remember any times when you were doing a book report or some other presentation in front of the class and you messed up? I remember one time during a junior high public speaking class we were doing impromptu exercises where we had to speak without notes on a subject. When it was my turn to speak, my mind went blank. I couldn’t remember anything about what I was supposed to talk about so I just started talking about something unrelated. It was sheer babbling to fill time.

I remember another incident where one of my friends tripped on microphone cords and fell off the stage. Several people laughed. Somehow that affected me, even though it happened to my friend. Ever since then, whenever I have to go on stage I am worrying about tripping or falling in some way. I also worry for my friends when they are going on stage.

I appreciate Nick Ortner’s post. I will reflect on my past and do this EFT technique to clear the negative emotions around those incidents.

Think about things that happened to you or things you witnessed in your past. Are there any of those things causing you uncomfortable feelings now?

Here is a clip about that technique from The Tapping Solution’s blog:

    Tapping Tip: Tapping Out Your Captain Kangaroo Experience

    Here’s an easy three step process to clearing an event from the past.
    1. Pick the event.
    Try to be as specific with it as possible and only start with one for now. You can do more later, but now, focus on ONE experience where someone said something to you, where you said something, where you learned that it wasn’t safe to stand out and be YOU.

    2. Rate the intensity of what happened.
    When you think about the event, feel what you felt then or even what you feel now about it, and rate the intensity on a 0-10 scale.

    3. Start visualizing the event as a movie.
    With your eyes closed, tap through all the points, as you see the movie play. Keep tapping through the points, moving whenever you want, and running the movie again and again, in as much detail as possible, See it, feel it, smell it, hear it, make it real and keep tapping. Notice what stands out to you most about the movie, and focus on that issue. Notice where you feel a ‘charge’ and focus on that, and just keep tapping, tapping, tapping.

    Tap until you can see the movie, without feeling an emotional charge.

    What have you done? You’ve healed that event, cleared the emotional charge, processed the stuck energy through your body, reminded your body it’s safe!

    Rinse and repeat for any events that you can think of! (I made this joke before, “rinse and repeat” referring to what the shampoo bottle says. Someone took it very literally and emailed asking if they should shower in between each tapping session! It’s actually not a bad idea, water is very cleansing, but you don’t have to do it between each tapping round. 🙂 )

Read the rest of the article over at
The Tapping Solution Blog.

Recently I wrote an article about how EFT can help you in your network marketing business. Since then I have had a few questions about how EFT works I thought I would expand on the subject a bit. Hopefully my explanation helps a bit.

EFT is a form of psychological acupressure that uses a gentle tapping technique instead of needles to stimulate traditional Chinese acupuncture points. It works even if you don’t believe it will work.

Every cell has receptor sites. Things that happen in our life, thoughts we have, something that happens to us, something we witness happening to someone else, an injury, a trauma, etc. The hypothalamus releases chemicals that are called peptides. These peptides are short chain amino acids that we experience as an emotion; all the emotions are simply chemical combinations. They attach themselves to the cells and can cause problems if they are not processed.

Our emotional issues are connected with our cells and our body organs. Each EFT point we tap corresponds with a body organ. When we tap on the designated points on the face and body and combine it with with focusing and verbalizing the identified problem, we are speaking directly to your body, bypassing the conscious mind. This completes the processing of those chemicals out of the cell receptors, bringing our body back into balance. We are tapping acupuncture points instead of using needles.

We can actually release all kinds of negative emotional issues. Since we’re speaking directly to your body and not your mind, you don’t have to believe it will work in order for it to work. You can remain completely skeptical and still get great results!

EFT points and Corresponding Body Organ Meridians:

    beginning of the eyebrow – bladder
    side of eye – gallbladder
    under eye – stomach
    under nose – governing vessel
    chin – central vessel
    collarbone – kidney
    under arm – spleen/ pancreas
    under breast – liver
    thumb – lung
    index finger – large intestine
    middle finger – circulation
    baby finger – heart
    Karate point – small intestine

EFT is powerful in releasing blocks and fears that hold us back in our business but also in enhancing positive changes we intend to attract. Once you have released negative emotions, you can use EFT with positive affirmations to replace the negative with positive feelings that move you closer to where you would like to go.

Whether you realize it or not, Law of Attraction is always working. The words you use and the thoughts you are thinking effect the level of success and abundance you will have in your business. Affirmations can be helpful but EFT makes them work better. With EFT, you are tapping on the various body organ points and driving the intent into your cells.

The potential is pretty powerful wouldn’t you say?