Success in any kind of business requires doing actual Income Producing Activities every day. In a regular JOB you arrive for the work schedule every day and you have to do the daily tasks or you will get fired. When you have a network marketing business, you are working from home on your own schedule. It can be a challenge to keep focused on the actual income producing activities that actually grow your business. It can be easy to get caught up in doing things that seem like business activities but are really just a form of procrastination. Things like organizing the office or learning all you can about the products and the science behind them, checking in on Facebook Groups related to your business or making graphics. These things are important but if you spend too much time in any area that is not an income producing activity, your business will not grow.

Income producing activities involve connecting with people, approaching new people, talking with people and building relationships. There are lots of ways to do that both in person and online. It’s really not hard and actually quite fun once you get past the underlying anxiety that gets in the way.

It’s the underlying anxiety that causes procrastination. We all have it in some area. In your business it can show up when you feel hesitant to talk about your business or product.
To build a successful network marketing business, you need to step out of your comfort zone.

There are lots of ways to open up conversation and interest in your products and business. Think of it as planting seeds. Make connections and friends.

EFT is powerful way to help with stepping out of your comfort zone and attacking your Daily IPAs. You can tap on whatever you are feeling that is slowing you down or getting in your way. I really love the Tap While You Gripe technique. Just tap and say (or think) whatever is on your mind. Notice the feelings you are having about talking about your business. Do you feel uncomfortable bringing up the product or that you are building a home business? Feelings like that will cause procrastination which will block your success.

I always use an essential oil blend to power up my EFT tapping. You can do EFT without oils but if you are a Young Living Essential Oil user, just add a couple drops of oil to your fingertips and start tapping through the points. Use whatever oil feels right for you. A few ideas are: Abundance, Motivation, Magnify Your Purpose, Valor.

Let’s do some tapping on this!

Jump right in tapping through any of the points.

I am anxious about putting myself out there.
Talking with new people and making new connections and new friends.
I know I need to make new connections and build relationships.
I find myself sometimes holding back.
I want to make more connections and build relationships.
I know this is a relationship business.
It’s very important to grow my connections and friends.
I don’t feel very social.
I am an introvert.
I feel a little anxious about approaching people I don’t know.
It feels a little uncomfortable so I hold back.
Staying in my comfort zone with the same 30 people I already know.
I even hold back talking to the ones I already know.
What if they think I’m a weirdo?
I am releasing the emotional attachment to feeling anxious.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to feeling uncomfortable.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to feeling unsocial.
I am releasing the emotional attachment to fear of speaking up.
RELEASE the anxiety …
RELEASE the discomfort …
RELEASE the fear.
It doesn’t have to be hard.
If I just love on my friends and share with them, things happen naturally.
I’ll use my favorite products in front of them and share if they need it.
This doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable.
I share all kinds of things with my friends and family that I get no benefit from.
I share movies I like.
I share restaurants I like.
I share lots of products I like that I never get compensation for.
I just share because I love my friends and it’s natural to talk about what I love.
It’s natural to talk about how a product has helped my family.
I love my products and my business and I on the lookout for ways I can share what I love.
I know some of my friends will want to join me on this healthy lifestyle journey.
Some will also want to join me in this amazing community and a lifestyle of freedom.
It doesn’t have to feel weird.
It’s just a matter of fact.
I use these products for a more healthy lifestyle for my family.
I happen to get paid for referrals.
That’s nothing to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about.
It makes me one smart cookie.
I love helping people have a healthier lifestyle.
I love connecting and making new friends and building my community of friends living a lifestyle of health and freedom.

Take a deep breath.

Tap as often as you need to. Add any feelings you want to as you shift to feeling more comfortable making connections and sharing the products you love.
This would be a good one to tap through before any social events where you will be meeting new friends or interacting with people you already know.

Click here to ORDER essential oils TODAY!

Releasing the Anxiety of Prospecting

For some business building ideas check out the article: How to Attract Prospects By Building Friendships

Do you believe you will be able to build a successful network marketing business? Do you believe anyone can build a successful business in the network marketing industry? This is something you need to think about. What you believe affects how successful you will be. It’s so important to have a strong belief. We become what we believe.

Can you see yourself as a top income earner? Can you see yourself earning a living with your business? If you can’t see it and BELIEVE it, you will have a really tough time building a successful business.

Picturing, visualizing success is one important way to start building belief. Constantly picturing yourself in the role of a successful high earning business owner. See it! Feel it!

Listening to audios, reading books, reading emails from upline and attending company events will help to your belief grow. Visualize your success.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are a great way to way to help clear any limiting beliefs that block your success. You can also use the tapping to enhance visualization and affirmations. Just tap through the EFT points as you are visualizing your success or saying affirmations. EFT is also great for releasing doubts and fears that get in the way of belief in your abilities.

If you don’t have strong belief in these areas, you will not be able to succeed in your business.

Another way to way to strengthen your belief is to do some EFT. You can tap the EFT points as you are visualizing your success. EFT is also great for releasing doubts and fears that get in the way of belief in your abilities.

Young Living distributors will want to use one of the essential oil blends to enhance the process. Young Living’s Envision or Believe essential oil blend are good ones but there are other oil blends that are good with this EFT session on belief are Abundance, Acceptance, Gathering, Release, Valor.

Just add a couple drops of oil to your fingertips and start tapping through the points. You can add specific doubts and fears where you want in with the tapping script. You can also tap through several times if you need a little more clearing on the issue.

Try this tapping script when you feel your belief slipping:

Even though I’m having doubts about my success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have doubts I can be successful in network marketing, I choose to feel confident now.
Even though my doubts are blocking my success, I’m willing to grow in confidence and belief.

I have all these doubts about success.
Can anyone be successful in network marketing?
Can I be successful in this business?
I have these doubts in my abilities.
I’m full of doubts about network marketing.
I see others having success but I don’t know if I can do it too.
I love the products and I love sharing them.
I know this is just a lack of confidence.
I know there are ways to do this business that I can feel comfortable with.
I choose to feel confident.
I am moving forward in spite of my doubts.
I release the emotional attachment to the belief that success is for other people but not for me.
I can release all the doubts.
I choose to release all these doubts.
I am releasing the doubts.
I am releasing all the doubts about network marketing.
I am releasing all the doubts about my ability to attract customers and business builders.
I am releasing all the doubts.
I can believe in myself.
I will let myself be full of confidence.
I choose to believe in myself.

I choose to know I can build this business…
I love releasing the doubts.
I radiate confidence and belief.
I choose to be full of passion and abundance.
I love how confident I am feeling.
I am so strong and confident, other people are noticing it.
I radiate strong belief and confidence in myself, the network marketing industry and my awesome products.
I love how I feel when I know I am attracting abundance.
I LOVE that I am attracting strong, confident, successful business builders.
I am a very successful, magnetic leader.
Every CELL in my body is full of magnetic ABUNDANCE.
I am a confident and successful leader, full of belief and passion.

Take a deep breath.

You might need to tap through this a few times, especially if you have a deeply ingrained fear that success is for other people but not for you. Change up the words if you need to. Tap about whatever fear or negative feeling you have.

Click here to ORDER essential oils TODAY!

Build Belief In Your Network Marketing Success

Do you ever find yourself putting things off that you know will help your business grow faster? Sometimes getting sidetracked and going down a rabbit hole of time wasting activity. Even personal development and product training can become time wasting activity if we are not taking action on what we are learning. If you don’t take action, you have NO network marketing business. Action is what will grow your income.

We all we get distracted with time wasting activities from time to time but what if it has become a pattern? What if you find yourself organizing the office or files on the computer. Or, one I have had trouble with at times is making graphics and marketing materials for my team. Those are all good things to do but NOT if it causes you to neglect Income Producing ACTION.

Time wasting activities are a way of procrastinating. Procrastination is always caused by a subconscious fear that is causing resistance to taking action. You can clear some of these fears with EFT. EFT can also help you get moving in action.

Have a little talk with yourself and commit to just one ACTION. I like to do this on days when I find myself struggling with distractions and not feeling like doing Income Producing Activities. It has to be an income producing action (IPA). Organizing your desk doesn’t count as action. 😉

Income producing action would be some contact with another person where there is potential for a business connection, a follow up call, email or text, ask a question and share an oil or a flyer, connect with an old friend, share a drop of essential oil with someone who needs it, etc. There are lots of actions you could take.

Before you do that, why not do some tapping. Here is a tapping script for Taking One Action.

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Release, Valor, Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Field.

Add a drop or two of essential oil to fingertips before tapping through the points.

While tapping the karate chop point on either hand, repeat these phrases, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

Even though I’ve been holding myself back from action, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’ve been holding myself back from action, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.
Even though I’ve been holding myself back from action, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

I’ve been holding back.
Blocking myself with inaction.
It’s really bothering me.
There’s things I could be doing.
There are definitely some things that I could be getting done.
Actions I could be taking.
I intend to build a successful business that will change my life.
I know I need to take action if I want my business to succeed.
Income producing action.
Talking to people.
Using products in front of people to stir interest and conversation.
Approaching people and talking about my products.
Something is holding me back.
I find myself holding back.
I need to follow up.
Make a phone call to that new member.
but I keep putting it off.
Why am I holding back?
What am I afraid of?
There is a fear deep down inside.
It’s a little out of my comfort zone.
Do I have a fear of abundance?
It must be in there, so I don’t take action,
because if I took certain actions,
it might lead to abundance.
Then what?
How do I handle all that abundance?
I’m afraid, so I hold back.
I’m letting that way of thinking go now.
I’m letting that way of thinking go now.
I want this business to change my life.
I intend to make progress.
So what if some are not interested?
So what if I make some mistakes?
I will take One Action Today.
One Income Producing Action.
I know I will feel stronger with each action I take.
More confident with each action I take.
One action will lead to another, then another.
I get better with each action.
Most of the learning is accomplished through action.
I’m moving forward with each action I take.
Making progress every day.
Facing my fears with each action and
feeling more and more confident about making progress.
I’m showing up to work.
I am releasing my fears and taking action. One action at a time.
I am looking forward to Taking One Action Step.
I know it’s okay to have abundance.
I delight in having abundance.
I love having abundance.
I love taking action.
I love taking action.
I love being of service.
I am Joyfully allowing abundance.
Gratefully allowing abundance.
Knowing that I deserve it.
I am joyfully and gratefully taking inspired action.

Take a deep breath.

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Release, Valor, Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Field.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

Let’s talk about abundance and resistance. As we build our network marketing business, we need to be constantly aware of our energy. If you are like me, you want a business that you can work from home or anywhere you happen to be. You are building a residual income that will create a lifestyle of freedom.

If you are setting your monthly and long term goals and not attracting the abundance you want through your business, it is usually because there is too much “resistance” in your energy systems. This is why it is important to be aware of the resistance and release it so you can attract the abundance you want.

Resistance is any emotion, behavior or vibration that isn’t in alignment with what you want. Negative thoughts become negative emotions and vibrations that become resistance. Any negative emotion can become resistance. The negative emotions may not directly be about your business but they DO affect your ability to attract abundance.

Negative vibrations are sent when you are talking or thinking about about what you DON’T want or when you worry or complain, feel discouraged or fearful, etc. This is true when you are having negative feelings around the business but also when you are feeling negative about your current circumstances. If you hate your job and you really want to change things. If you are struggling financially and you really to build residual income to change your financial situation. This is a big one. This is what I was experiencing when I started building my network marketing business. I was tired of having to work crappy jobs and struggling to make ends meet. There was a LOT of stress over money. All of that stress made it really challenging to build my business.

Back then I did not know about the Law of Attraction. I did not know that every time I focused on the things I did NOT want, I was actually sending out negative vibrations attracting more of the same crap. That is really hard when there is not enough money to cover all the bills, or you need a new roof or whatever job needs to be done and you feel stressed out because you have no idea how you are going to get it all done. It’s the feelings of stress, frustration, discouragement, etc. that become resistance.

Every morning, stop and notice how you are feeling emotionally. Negative emotions cause resistance and blocks to abundance.

Some examples of emotions that cause resistance are: frustration, pessimism, resentment, anger, fear, anxiety, impatience and general stress. Resistant vibrations include: scarcity, worthiness issues, lack etc. In short, anything that puts you in a bad mood could be called resistance.

You will have negative emotions. We ALL have that. Stressful things happen. The key is not staying there too long. You MUST refocus and get in a better more abundance attracting vibration. Do something to get in a better emotional state. One of the most powerful abundance attracting emotions is gratitude.

EFT is a powerful way to release the resistance and allow abundance.

EFT Tapping to Release Resistance

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Release, Field, Valor.
Add a drop or two of essential oil to fingertips before tapping through the points.

While tapping the karate chop point on either hand, repeat these phrases, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

Tapping on the Karate Chop point:
Even though I have all this resistance, I deeply and completely accept myself
Even though I have all this resistance, I deeply and completely accept myself
Even though I have all this resistance, I deeply and completely accept myself

Start tapping through the points:

I can feel the resistance.
There is so much stress.
Paying bills
Paying bills
Paying bills (Use whatever words describe things you are stressing about)
With all that working,
It seems like we should have enough.
But there’s never enough.
This isn’t any fun.
All this working.
Never having time to do the things I want to do.
Never having the money to do what I want.
I am feeling the stress.
I feel scarcity and lack.
I feel the resistance.
It’s causing me to resist the thing that I really want.
I really want to change things.
I am building this business to change things.
But I can feel the resistance.
I set goals and I work hard,
but I have not been able to reach them.
I had the goal to enroll 5 new members this month,
but I didn’t reach my goal.
I do all kinds of prospecting but I can’t seem to get anywhere.
I can feel the resistance.
I need to clear that.
It’s time to let go of the resistance.
I’m letting it go.
I release all struggle and resistance.
Releasing all the resistance.
Releasing resistance to success in my business.
Releasing resistance in all areas of my life.
I release all feelings of scarcity.
Releasing the fear that there is never enough.
Releasing it from every cell in my body.
Releasing the stress of having to work all the time.
Releasing all the feelings of stress.
Releasing all the feelings of overwhelm.
Releasing all the feelings of fear.
Releasing the feelings of struggle around reaching my goals.
I am open and allowing my business to grow every month.
I am grateful I have this amazing opportunity to build a lifestyle of freedom.
I love our amazing products
and I love sharing the products that have changed my life.
I allow success in my life and my business.
I am open and allowing abundance to flow through my business and my life.
I’m ready and willing to receive abundance.
I am grateful for the abundance I already have.
I am allowing more abundance every day.
I am an abundance magnet!

Take a deep breath. It is always a good idea to drink some water when doing EFT.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT


Do you ever feel STUCK in your business? You set goals with the intent to reach them but it seems like it’s a constant struggle.

We all feel stuck sometimes. You know what I mean. Progress seems to stop or be going really slowly. Stuck at a rank for what seems like a long time without seeing progress towards the next rank, or stuck at an income that is nowhere near the amount you have set as your goal.

I know what it is like to be stuck at the same rank for years. I knew I was stuck. I wanted to move to the next rank and I was OK with that for way too long. I actually knew why I was stuck. It was fears around what would happen if I advanced to Diamond. What would be expected of me? How big a change? Will I have any free time?

Whenever you are stuck or finding yourself in a procrastination loop, it is ALWAYS because of an underlying fear. I have had people respond that they don’t have fear about reaching their goal. “I want to get to Diamond” or “I want to earn a 6 figure income.” The problem is, they are not progressing. If you are not making progress, there is something blocking your goals. Underlying fears cause procrastination and other sabotage behaviors. If you find yourself having a lot of “squirrel moments” or going down rabbit holes that distract you from income producing activity, there is a subconscious fear blocking your progress.

Do you know WHY you are stuck?

I didn’t know why I was stuck but once I started noticing my feelings and asking the right questions, I began to realize which underlying fears were getting in my way. Once I realized the “downside” to reaching my goal, I could start working on it with EFT.

We all have things going on in our subconscious that can turn into blocks. If you have been a distributor in a company for any length of time there will be a few dissatisfied customers or distributors. Yup, it will happen. Some people will test your patience. Some will even start a vicious cycle of drama when they feel they have been wronged. It happened to me and it was a very hard time to go through. It was easy to spot the blocks that came up from that event. It threw me into protection mode. Never again was I going to allow someone to put me in a spot where they could hurt me that way. It affected my business building. I was angry and it overflowed into everything I was doing. I started doing busy work instead of income producing activity and got stuck in a pattern of procrastination and sabotage. I was STUCK!

The problem is, when your subconscious is protecting you, it is actually putting a halt to your progress. It means well but it’s not really helping.

We all have this subconscious protection going on. It could be something really simple. You could have had some embarrassing thing happen as a child and something today reminds you of it. The trick is asking the right questions to help you realize what underlying fears are getting in your way.

Ask yourself, “What is the downside of getting to your goal?” There could be a LOT of little things that go in the downside column.

Will I have to speak in front of people?
Will I have people constantly wanting things from me?
Will I have a moments peace from people contacting me with questions, complaining, solving problems, etc.?
Will I have time for myself?
Will I be able to help my team be successful?
Will I become a target for people with bad motives?
What will my friends and family think of my goals?

There are lots of things that could be going on in your subconscious. Ask the questions and then tap on any negative issues.

Here is a little tapping on being stuck. You can change the words to anything that feels right. It doesn’t matter what points you tap. Just tap and talk through whatever comes up.

Focus in on your feelings around reaching your income or rank goal.

Essential oils that could be used with this tapping: Valor, Abundance, Acceptance, Magnify Your Purpose, Motivation, Release, Field.
Add a drop or two of essential oil to fingertips before tapping through the points.

While tapping the karate chop point on either hand, repeat these phrases, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

Even though I know I am stuck, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Even though I’m so tired of being stuck, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Even though I really want to get to the next goal but I am stuck and sabotaging progress, I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Tap through the points:

I am stuck.
Not making any real progress
It feels so frustrating when I am stuck.
I wish I could just reach my goals quickly like some people do.
I’m not even sure why I am stuck.
I know there is some fear blocking me.
Somewhere inside I am protecting myself from something.
I don’t feel comfortable with success so I sabotage myself.
For some reason I keep sabotaging my success.
I just can’t seem to get unstuck.
I am resisting success but I want success.
I don’t know why I keep sabotaging myself.
I want success but I can’t seem to get unstuck.
This issue keeps coming up.
I make a few steps forward but then something stops me and gets me stuck again.
I am ready to release the emotional attachment to being stuck.
I release the emotional attachment to staying stuck.
I am ready to look at the real reasons I have been staying stuck and making very slow progress.
I release the emotional attachment to being stuck.
I release the emotional attachment to blocking my progress.
I release the emotional attachment to sabotaging my progress.
I release the emotional attachment to slowing down my progress.
I release the emotional attachment to blocking my goals.
I release the emotional attachment to resisting success.
I am letting go of the fear.
I am releasing the need to protect myself from the unknown.
Letting go of the fear of what will happen.
Release and let go of the fear of success.

I choose to feel safe and confident in my success.
I deserve success.
I choose to feel comfortable reaching my biggest goals.
I forgive myself for the times I was stuck.
I feel good moving forward.
I AM the power to change my life.
I am celebrating progress and reaching my goals.
I comfortable and safe making progress and reaching my goals.
I am excited about the progress and the changes I am making.

Take a deep breath.

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT