There is one question I get asked a lot. New distributors ask it but even distributors who have been working a at their business for quite some time often ask, “What is the secret to success?”

That’s a good question. There are a lot of things involved in a successful network marketing business but the most important is summed up in 2 words.

“Get started.”

You may think that is overly simple but the sad fact is, most people never really get started building a successful network marketing business. They buy a starter kit but never do much else.

You want FREEDOM from the passion killing corporate grind, grow an income that will be there for supplemental or full time income for retirement years. That will not happen if you don’t get started BUILDING your business which involves marketing and promoting.

You have to figure out which ways to market and promote your business. Once you figure out those things, you need to use trial and error to test out what works for you. You may even find that you need to totally change directions. The thing is, you can’t change directions until you get moving. Think of driving a car. The car has to be moving before you can turn in any direction, whether a slight turn or a full turn.

One of my mentors used to say,
You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it GOING!

The way to get anywhere is to start from where you are right now and learn as you go. Prospecting and marketing = sales volume growth = income growth. Getting started involves getting your marketing materials together and getting to it. As you learn and practice, you get better and better, more and more comfortable.

Here’s and EFT Script to help you get motivated:

Apply 1 – 3 drops of Release oil on your fingertips, then tap on the Karate Chop Point with the oiled up fingertips. As you are tapping the EFT Points, you will have enough remaining oil to carry to all the other points.

While tapping the Karate Chop Point:
Even though I don’t know what to do , I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m stuck and don’t feel like doing anything, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I am feeling stuck and unmotivated, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

You can add something specific you need to do if you want. Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter what words you say on which points.

Round One: Focusing on the Negative Feelings

(eyebrow) I am feeling stuck and unmotivated.
(side of eye) I don’t know what to do.
(under eye) I just can’t seem to get started.
(nose) I know getting started is the key to success.
(chin) I know getting started with DAILY PROSPECTING is top priority.
(collarbone) I feel a little stressed out about that.
(under arm) I feel resistance to getting started.
(head) I can’t seem to get started.

(eyebrow) I don’t want to get it going.
(side of eye) Yes I DO want to get it going.
(under eye) I’m feeling a little stressed out about prospecting.
(nose) What if I just start moving?
(chin) I know just making a few steps forward will start some momentum.
(collarbone) I am releasing the fear of getting started.
(under arm) Releasing and letting go of the fear.
(head) Releasing it from every cell in my body.

Round Two: Implant Positive

(eyebrow) I choose to feel motivated to get started.
(side of eye) I choose to take steps forward and get momentum moving forward.
(under eye) I step into energy and motivation.
(nose) I choose to move forward one step at a time.
(chin) I feel good moving forward.
(collarbone) I choose to move get started in a way that feels even more motivating.
(under arm) I enjoy taking action.
(head) I choose to feel energized and motivated as I get started NOW.

Take a deep breath.

If you feel you need more work on this, run through the tapping a few more times. You may need to revisit this issue from time to time. We all have days when we need a reboot. 😉

Try EFT with Motivation oil when you need a little help getting motivated.

Do you ever have those days when you feel like throwing in the towel? You find yourself wondering, “Is all this really worth the effort?” “Will this ever get easier?”

Yea, I know how that feels. There were many days, especially in the early days of building my network marketing business that I felt like giving up. I had doubts about my ability to get it done. I saw some people build their business really fast but I was at the mercy of my moods, which were up and down. The problem is, the Law of Attraction is always at work in your life. Your success in network marketing depends on your allowing abundance. Whatever you are focusing on, with emotion, is what you will attract.

Daily EFT can help keep your thoughts and emotion in a positive, attracting energy. Try the EFT Tapping Script below when you have days when you are wondering if it is worth the effort or you are feeling like giving up.

EFT for Network Marketing Success
You can use any Essential Oil Blends on your fingertips as you tap through the points. Here are a few good ones:
Abundance, Field, Motivation, Highest Potential, Magnify Your Purpose, Release
My personal favorite oil to use with this issue is Field. Field oil blend is one of the Oola oils and is for growing in your chosen field.

Even though I don’t know if this is worth all the effort, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m not really sure I can do this business, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I feel like giving up, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

I feel like giving up.
I’m not sure all this hard work is really worth it.
I feel like giving up.
This seems so HARD.
So much work.
Prospecting and following up.
Growing and leading a large team.
I’m probably never going to succeed anyway.
I might as well just quit.
Sometimes I just want to quit.
It’s too hard.
It’s taking too long.
I’m losing faith.
I have all these doubts.
Why bother?
Am I just kidding myself?
I feel like giving up.
I feel like throwing in the towel.
Is it really worth the effort?

EFT for Network Marketing Success
I choose to let go of all this need to give up.
Clearing all the doubt.
Releasing all of this self doubt.
I DO have what it takes to succeed.
Releasing ALL of the doubts about that.
Clearing them at a cellular level.
Clearing these doubts from every fiber of my being.

Is it really worth the effort?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I know it’s worth the effort.
I know people who have done it.
I know people who have time and financial FREEDOM,
and I want that too!
I am allowing myself to be clear about what’s really worth the effort.
Allowing myself to be clear about what is for my highest good, and I choose to stick with it.
I choose to feel good about sticking with it.
There have been times when I did stick with things.
I am going to stick with this!
There are rewards for sticking to this business.
I deserve those rewards.
I remember WHY I am building my business.
I am visualizing it daily.
I am allowing myself to achieve that.
I love knowing that this is SO WORTH THE EFFORT!
I love knowing that I can do this.
I am so grateful for all the prosperity in my life.

Take a deep breath.

Order Young Living Essential Oil Blends Here

Order Young Living Essential Oil Blends to use with EFT.

fear-of-failure2Fear of failure is one of the subconscious reasons why you could be procrastinating and sabotaging your success. When you are afraid to fail, you live a smaller life with less risk. You stay in your comfort zone but no progress is made in your comfort zone. If you really want to make progress with anything, in this case your Young Living business, you need to release the fear of failure and step out of your comfort zone.

Try the EFT Tapping below to get started shifting your fear of success. You can add in any words or thoughts to the script and change it up as you feel the need.

Tapping on the Karate Point:
Even though I’m afraid to try again because I failed in the past, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t feel like trying because I have failed in the past, choose to believe I can do it this time.
Even though I have failed in the past, I choose to focus on success this time.

Start tapping on the eyebrow point and tap any points as you say or think the words below.

Focus on the problem:

I am afraid to try because I failed in the past
I don’t know if I can do it, I have failed before
I don’t want to take a risk
I’m afraid I might fail
What if I fail again?
I’m afraid to step forward
I’m afraid to get too hopeful
What if they say no?
What if it doesn’t work?
All these feelings around failure
All these fears that are holding me back
Making me sabotage my success by procrastinating
I tired of trying and failing.

Shifting to a positive feeling:

I can be successful even if I failed in the past
I know many successful people failed in the beginning
Abraham Lincoln was defeated in 8 elections
Michael Jordan was cut from the high school basketball team
Walt Disney was fired from an newspaper for lacking imagination
All the really successful people have failures in their past
They didn’t let failure stop them
They kept trying and growing
I can do that too
I choose to release that fear of failing
I learn from my mistakes
I am making mistakes and growing
I can believe in my success
I feel safe and confident in my continuing success
I no longer fear making mistakes
Bring it on!
One day I will be talking about my mistakes and how my mistakes paved the way to my success.

Essential Oil Blends: Abundance, Acceptance, Motivation, Highest Potential, Release,
Magnify Your Purpose, Transformation, Valor

Click HERE for Essential oils that enhance EFT

The law of attraction is always at work in our life. We attract more of whatever energy we are radiating. Whether you believe it or not, the energy you radiate can affect your business success – prospecting and sales. You know that you have experienced times when someone who is in a bad mood enters the room. You can feel the energy drop. When you find yourself in a conversation with a negative person, you can feel your own energy drop.

We affect each other with our different moods. The same thing happens when we have money worries, scarcity thinking, negative feelings about sales, talking to strangers about our business or product and any number of other negative emotions. Those negative feelings are reflected in the way we speak and act in any situation, or if we will act at all.

Gratitude is one of, if not the most powerful attracting energy. That is why writing a daily gratitude list is really beneficial to keep your energy on the positive attracting side. I have to admit, I don’t always take the time to write my list down but I try to express gratitude every day about several things that I can be thankful for.

One especially nice time to reflect on things you are grateful for is while going on a walk. As you walk, you can express gratitude for the beauty of the trees, flowers, streams, things about your life, health, family, etc. This should be things you are truly grateful for. Even in troubled times, there are lots of things that we can be thankful for. Celebrate those things. Reflect and rejoice over the good things. Gratitude reduces negativity. It is hard to be negative about your situation when you are thinking about things for which you are grateful. It also helps improve your mood.

gratitude-oilApply a couple drops of Young Living Gratitude oil to enhance any gratitude reflection you are doing. I also recommend using Gratitude oil with any gratitude EFT Tapping you do. Tapping affirmations is really powerful. I recommend a Tap While You Thank session. Similar to Tap While You Gripe. You just tap any EFT points and think or say whatever you feel grateful for. The combination of Young Living Gratitude Oil with EFT while expressing gratitude is really powerful.

There are also times when abundant things happen. Those are times when it is important to celebrate and feel gratitude. That energy helps you attract more abundance. Dwelling on negative things like not having enough money can actually repel abundance. Celebrate even when you find a penny. You attracted money!

Here are a couple examples:

Gratitude Tapping

Today was an abundant day.
How abundant I am!
I am always finding money!
Yea! I love attracting good things!
I got a phone call from someone wanting product info.
I got a coupon for $10.00 off business supplies at Staples.
My hubby did the dishes so I could return some business phone calls.
I learned a great business tip from my upline.

You get the idea. Just tap through the points and think of all the abundant things that happened during the day.

Here’s another option:

Just start in tapping when something abundant happens. This is a great time to tap because you are feeling the abundant emotion. That is powerful and you can enhance it and program it into your cells by tapping.

How abundant I am!
I found money!
I am always finding money!
That is SO COOL!
It seems like I find money wherever I go.
It’s like I am a magnet attracting money.
I LOVE attracting money!

How beautiful it is here.
I am so grateful to be alive!
I am so grateful for my family.
We have such fun together.
I’m grateful for my Network Marketing (Direct Marketing) Business that allows me the FREEDOM to work from home!
I am grateful for my health.
I LOVE the beautiful rain that will produce nice green plants in the spring.
I’m so grateful for my ABUNDANT blessings!

Use Gratitude Essential Oil to Power Up EFT Gratitude Tapping.

In order for you to create a different life, you have to see yourself differently. If you want to transform your life or your business, you need to see yourself differently. How do you see yourself right now? Do you see yourself as a successful person or do you feel that success is for other people?

It starts with a clear vision of what success looks like. Where do you want to go in your business. Do you want to supplement the income you already have? Do you want to have full time income working from home? Do you want financial freedom?

WHY are you building your business? If you haven’t really thought about why you are building your business, you need to stop and think about that right now. You need a clear vision about where you are going. Not only seeing it but FEELING it.

focusWhat you focus on, you attract more of. If you are focusing on what you do not like about your situation, you will attract more of the same. If you focus on what you don’t like about the way your business is going, you will keep attracting the same things. You want to be focusing on where you want to be in your business. Close your eyes and visualize how things will look when you have achieved your goal.

I like to talk through my visualization to help me get to the feelings. Use lots of feeling words as you are doing it. For example:

If you want to get to full time income, you need to get to leadership levels in your company. Visualize yourself on stage getting an award and say, “I am so excited for the day when I will walk on stage and get my award. I am wearing a sharp business suit and there are upline waiting at the side to congratulate me, people are cheering I am giddy with excitement. I feel so proud that I have achieved this and I love how it feels to be an inspiration to my friends who are also working toward this goal. It is so exciting to have financial and time freedom and be able to do whatever I want anytime I want.”

I like to visualize getting awards because it represents getting to the leadership ranks which means you have built a large organization. It is not the awards but the FREEDOM that comes with building your business. Add anything that adds to your vision of success. If you want to travel, add some visualization about that. Just keep thinking and talking about the way you would like it to be and the feelings that will bring.

Whenever you catch yourself focusing on negative things you don’t want, stop yourself and refocus on what you want it to look like.

EFT Oils - Envision
Young Living members have some helpful resources in the emotional oil blends. There are several that can be used here. Some possible choices are: Envision, Abundance, Dream Catcher, Live With Passion, Magnify Your Purpose, Transformation, Valor.

Click HERE for Information about Essential oils that enhance EFT.


Even though I am not there yet, I choose to remember WHY I am building this business.
Even though I always struggled with earning enough money, I am excited when I focus on the FREEDOM this business can bring me.
Even though I haven’t reached it yet, I love to focus on the FREEDOM this business can bring me.

I love to think about WHY I am building my business.
I am excited to be building financial FREEDOM.
I love to focus on the FREEDOM I want.
I am happy to think about having FREEDOM with my time.
It’s exciting to be able to follow whatever schedule I choose.
I choose freedom.
I know network marketing industry thrives in bad economy.
It is exciting to help other people fine their FREEDOM.

I spend a little time each day focusing on WHY I am building my business
I am on my way to FREEDOM.
I am visualizing FREEDOM.
I SEE it!
I am growing more and more confident every day.
I am remembering WHY I want my business to be successful.
I am so excited to be reaching my goals.
I choose to focus on WHY I am building this business.
I choose FREEDOM!!!

Try this visualization exercise:

Close your eyes and start to think about your goal. Tell a story in your mind or pretend you are watching a movie but instead of just watching the movie, step into the movie and become part of it. What does it look like? How does it feel? Picture yourself achieving it and living as though you have already attained it. Try to get as many details as you can.

Now, as you are visualizing, tap the EFT points. It doesn’t really matter which points. Just tap points as you visualize.

Do this EFT visualization exercise every day. One thing I notice when I do visualization this way is that the images get stronger each time. I find this especially helpful when I have trouble visualizing.

Visualization is a very important tool for your success. Adding EFT powerfully accelerates the whole visualization process.

Give it a try. Hey, it’s FREE. What if it works for you?