Recently I wrote an article about how EFT can help you in your network marketing business. Since then I have had a few questions about how EFT works I thought I would expand on the subject a bit. Hopefully my explanation helps a bit.

EFT is a form of psychological acupressure that uses a gentle tapping technique instead of needles to stimulate traditional Chinese acupuncture points. It works even if you don’t believe it will work.

Every cell has receptor sites. Things that happen in our life, thoughts we have, something that happens to us, something we witness happening to someone else, an injury, a trauma, etc. The hypothalamus releases chemicals that are called peptides. These peptides are short chain amino acids that we experience as an emotion; all the emotions are simply chemical combinations. They attach themselves to the cells and can cause problems if they are not processed.

Our emotional issues are connected with our cells and our body organs. Each EFT point we tap corresponds with a body organ. When we tap on the designated points on the face and body and combine it with with focusing and verbalizing the identified problem, we are speaking directly to your body, bypassing the conscious mind. This completes the processing of those chemicals out of the cell receptors, bringing our body back into balance. We are tapping acupuncture points instead of using needles.

We can actually release all kinds of negative emotional issues. Since we’re speaking directly to your body and not your mind, you don’t have to believe it will work in order for it to work. You can remain completely skeptical and still get great results!

EFT points and Corresponding Body Organ Meridians:

    beginning of the eyebrow – bladder
    side of eye – gallbladder
    under eye – stomach
    under nose – governing vessel
    chin – central vessel
    collarbone – kidney
    under arm – spleen/ pancreas
    under breast – liver
    thumb – lung
    index finger – large intestine
    middle finger – circulation
    baby finger – heart
    Karate point – small intestine

EFT is powerful in releasing blocks and fears that hold us back in our business but also in enhancing positive changes we intend to attract. Once you have released negative emotions, you can use EFT with positive affirmations to replace the negative with positive feelings that move you closer to where you would like to go.

Whether you realize it or not, Law of Attraction is always working. The words you use and the thoughts you are thinking effect the level of success and abundance you will have in your business. Affirmations can be helpful but EFT makes them work better. With EFT, you are tapping on the various body organ points and driving the intent into your cells.

The potential is pretty powerful wouldn’t you say?

It is a good idea to focus a bit in the morning on what we want to accomplish for the day. Set our intent for the kind of day we want to have.

Here is a quick tip for getting your day started with good positive energy:

Wishing you an Abundant Day,

P.S. Please click the share button if you feel this will help people you know.

Do you have any tips for getting your day off to an abundant start? Leave a comment and share your ideas.

Welcome to Day 1 of the 30 Day EFT Self-Esteem Tapping!

Today I want to do a little tapping to go along with the main focus of the 30 day challenge. This tapping session will be on releasing negative feelings about ourselves and shifting to liking ourselves as we are.

The first EFT Self-Esteem Tapping clip is the one we will do every day for 30 days. The second tapping clip for today works especially well with the “I Like Myself As I Am” tapping session but it starts with tapping on the negative feelings you may have and then we will shift to positive tapping.

Download the Printable Tapping EFT Points Document

EFT Tapping Clip: I Like Myself As I Am

YL Members: I am using Acceptance Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script:
I Like Myself As I Am – positive affirmation EFT tapping

EFT Tapping Clip – Releasing Negative Self-Image

YL Members: I am using Release Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script:
Releasing Negative Self-Image – Shifting To Choosing to Like Myself EFT tapping script

Well, I’m off to do some tapping for my insecurities on doing this 30 Day EFT Self-Esteem Challenge. Check in tomorrow and see how I turn that into a tapping session on self-esteem. 😉

Wishing you Abundant Self-Esteem,

P.S. Please leave a comment and click the share button if you feel these tapping sessions will help people you know.

A while back I saw this video and it struck me how this little girl’s parents must have been teaching her to have good self esteem. Watch the video and the way this little girl is talking into the mirror and listen to what she is saying.

I think this morning routine is a good idea for all of us who are building self esteem. Repeating affirmations is a great way to reprogram your thinking but, even better is to tap the EFT Points while speaking your affirmations. This is much more powerful and sets the body’s energy in alignment with what you are speaking.

Try it! It’s powerful!

Wishing you Abundant Success,