When we begin our network marketing business we have a picture in mind of where we want to go. For some it is a little extra money to cover the cost of the products or supplement their income. For others, the picture is one of freedom: Freedom of time or freedom financially.

Network Marketing with PostureOur excitement over the possibilities can make us a little too eager to convince people to join us. We want them to get inspired like we are. The problem, if we are not careful is that, in our excitement, we can appear like a beggar. To our prospect, it may sound like, “Please, Please, Please join my company with me.”

That is not the message we want to give off in our communication with people. We want to talk to people from a position of confidence and posture.

Let go of the stress about the outcome. Approach conversations about your business or product as though you don’t care whether they join you or not. Remember, Some will, Some Won’t, So What! NEXT!

This is a very important principal in the Law of Attraction. When you are stressed about the outcome and needing people to join and buy products, you actually repel the business you want to attract. You want to project an image people are attracted to. People follow success and strength, not failure and weakness. Communicate from an energy of strength and confidence.

When you seem to play a little hard to get, it can actually cause curiosity and cause people to ask more questions. Here is one particular example that really sticks in my mind:

I was on a shuttle at the Columbus Ohio airport heading from the parking lot toward the place where you check in luggage. I used to be extremely fearful of flying. By the way, I used EFT to remove that fear and actually enjoy flying now.

At the time I was so fearful of flying, all I could focus on was my fear. I had a “Don’t even talk to me” attitude. This guy on the shuttle asked where we were going. I responded in a short no info response, “To a business convention.” He asked what kind of business. I briefly said it was a convention for distributors of therapeutic grade essential oils. The guy started asking questions about essential oils. I answered his questions very briefly, the whole time wishing he would stop talking to me.

Over the years I have noticed a pattern. When I drop a few comments and run, I often have people chasing me with more questions. When I was desperately wanting someone to see why they should join with me, they rarely joined.

There is something that happens to your posture when you aren’t feeling desperate for people to join. It doesn’t matter. Some will and some won’t.

One way to help develop confidence and posture is to build self-esteem. Personal development is of prime importance to professional network marketers. Building your confidence and leadership skills contribute to having a good posture.

Listening to audios and webinars, reading books, attending company events are some ways to build your skills and posture. Hanging out with and learning from people who have built a successful network marketing business is the best way to build confidence and posture.

As you are doing the personal development and learning skills that increase posture and confidence, why not do some EFT sessions to enhance the process. Try the EFT session below.

EFT Tapping Clip – I Choose Confidence

YL Members: I am using Valor Oil Blend. See the printable script for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script: I Choose Confidence EFT tapping script

What have you found helpful in your own business? Leave a comment and tell me what helps you have more posture.

Do you ever wake up feeling angry for no apparent reason? You just feel irritable and everything seems like a bother. You just feel like going back to bed. It’s a mystery to me why some days we wake up singing and other days we just want to bite someone’s head off.

I woke up in one of those moods today and I admit, it took a couple hours of nastiness before I decided I need to work on myself and do some EFT. I’m feeling much better now and I thought I’d share an EFT tapping session on releasing anger in case you have a need of it. You can come back here anytime and tap along. There will be days when we’ll need it. 😉

It is important to have a good emotional energy when you are working on your business tasks as a network marketer. Especially prospecting and marketing your business. Law of Attraction is always at work. When we are in a negative emotional state, we actually repel the things we are wanting to attract.

If we want the Law of Attraction to work in our favor, we need to be in a good mood when we are working on our business. This is especially important in the beginning when we are more likely to be easily discouraged.

Tap along with the EFT Session For Network Marketers – Release That Angry Mood

Download Printable EFT Tapping Script

Welcome to Day 30 of the 30 Day EFT Self-Esteem Tapping!

Well, here we are at day 30. It has been a challenge getting the EFT scripts and videos made every day but I’m glad I did it. I hope you have benefited as much as I have from the EFT sessions. I am so energized I am almost bouncing off the walls. 😉

Today’s EFT tapping session is “I am A Magnet For Abundance and Success.” It is another positive affirmation tapping session. It is a mix of self esteem and magnetic abundance energy.

EFT is a powerful tool to use along with the law of attraction. With the law of attraction, you attract whatever matches the energy or vibrations you are sending out or radiating. That is one reason why these EFT self-esteem tapping sessions are really helpful.

I encourage you to come back often and do the EFT tapping sessions. Daily EFT can really set the tone for your abundance energy as you set about to do the daily tasks in your business. Not only does EFT help remove fears but it also enhances the law of attraction.

If you have been enjoying these EFT tapping sessions on self-esteem, you may also be interested in the Ebook EFT for Network Marketers. It covers EFT tapping scripts that deal with issues specific to network marketers.

Enjoy today’s abundance EFT tapping session!

EFT Tapping Clip – I am A Magnet For Abundance & Success

YL Members: I am using Abundance Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script: I am A Magnet For Abundance & Success EFT tapping script

Wishing you Abundant Self-Esteem,

P.S. Please leave a comment and click the share button if you feel these tapping sessions will help people you know.

Welcome to Day 23 of the 30 Day EFT Self-Esteem Tapping!

Today I thought we would do an EFT tapping session on releasing the habit of sabotaging our abundance and then shift to attracting abundance. When we feel negative about ourselves or things happening around us, like the economy, we can begin to sabotage our abundance. The negative energy, also known as negative emotions, can bring your abundance to a screeching halt.

For the Law of Attraction to work and to be attracting abundance, we must radiate good abundant energy. We can’t radiate a good energy that we aren’t feeling.

This is another EFT session I recommend tapping daily, especially if you have abundance issues because of the economy.

Remember, every day we are tapping on the first EFT Self-Esteem Tapping clip.

The second tapping clip for today is on “Sabotaging My Abundance” tapping session but it starts with tapping on the negative feelings you may have and then we will shift to positive tapping.

Download the Printable Tapping EFT Points Document

EFT Tapping Clip: I Like Myself As I Am

YL Members: I am using Acceptance Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script: I Like Myself As I Am – positive affirmation EFT tapping

EFT Tapping Clip – Sabotaging My Abundance

YL Members: I am using Abundance Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.

Download the Printable Tapping Script: Sabotaging My Abundance EFT tapping script

Wishing you Abundant Self-Esteem,

P.S. Please leave a comment and click the share button if you feel these tapping sessions will help people you know.