Welcome to Day 11 of the 30 Day EFT Self-Esteem Tapping!
This is the first of 5 tapping sessions on “accepting myself.” There are several reasons we start feeling we are not acceptable. If any of these don’t apply to you, either tap along anyway or do a tapping session we have already done that applies to you.
Today’s tapping session is on: “I Don’t Accept Myself – Childhood Trauma”
When something bad has happened in our childhood, it can damage our self-esteem and cause us to grow up not accepting ourselves. I have made the tapping session in a way that it could cover almost anything that happened in childhood, especially when it was an adult that caused the trauma.
This is a sticky subject because sometimes people have had some really bad trauma in their childhood and it may require getting some help from a professional.
Anyway, when you are tapping along with this session, be thinking of trauma that you experienced as a child. You may need to do several sessions on this. The goal here is to shift the negative feelings to feelings of acceptance.
Remember, every day we are tapping on the first EFT Self-Esteem Tapping clip.
The second tapping clip for today is on “I Don’t Accept Myself – Childhood Trauma” tapping session but it starts with tapping on the negative feelings you may have and then we will shift to positive tapping.
Download the Printable Tapping EFT Points Document
EFT Tapping Clip: I Like Myself As I Am
YL Members: I am using Acceptance Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.
Download the Printable Tapping Script: I Like Myself As I Am – positive affirmation EFT tapping
EFT Tapping Clip – I Don’t Accept Myself – Childhood Trauma
YL Members: I am using Acceptance Oil Blend. See the printable scripts for other options.
Download the Printable Tapping Script: I Don’t Accept Myself – Childhood Trauma EFT tapping script
Wishing you Abundant Self-Esteem,
P.S. Please leave a comment and click the share button if you feel these tapping sessions will help people you know.